Time Warp (Cubase) Guitar Quantization PROBLEM

Jan 2, 2012
I looked around, but was unable to find a real answer, so forgive me for being new and not super familiar with the forum.

In either case I've just started learning how to quantize guitars and bass, with the time stretch tool but a few problems I run into I'm unsure how to fix.

1. The main problem, getting a lot of 'artifacts' in the tracks, even on fixing little things such as breakdowns. Am doing something wrong? Is there any ideas or solutions to get rid of artifacts in general? (Please don't say "Just play tighter, and you won't have to time stretch" because clearly Joey has no artifacts)

2. Since dynamics aren't always the best indicator of a pick hit are there any things you look for besides just trying to listen for each individual hit, to tell you where the start of a note is? (Not asking for a plugin to use, just based on what you can physically see with your eyes)

3. This is relatively simple, but when you're just looking at the dynamics to indicate a pick hit, where do you want to quantize it from. As in do you make a line at the dynamic peak, or just when it begins to slope up?
If you are looking to fix timing, I would recommend slip editing notes into place. Looking at the position of the transients to determine pick attack position is a good place to start but you should ultimately use your ears when making these decisions. I have cubase set to prerecord so I always slip the pick attack to a little after the beat to allow the drums to come through and hit the master compressor first, then I pull the section out that was prerecorded and crossfade that with the previous note. If after all of this the note is too short I time stretch in the middle of the note, I cut after the transient and before the sound of the note being released and use the poly algorithm to stretch the middle of the note because it is the most subtle location to do so in my opinion. If you time stretch the transient created by a pick attack you could create some artifacts. Also have you tried using different time stretch algorithms for different parts (assuming you are using cubase 6)?
I'm using Cubase 5. But that is helpful info. Stretching the middle of the note, I see how that could create less artifacts. I'm not sure how many algorithms for Cubase 5 there are, but I'll also look into that.

Basically you want to avoid stretching the pick hit because that can give you artifacts, but the note sustain is fairly even and is easier to stretch without artifacts? Sorry, I'm not sure how else to articulate that last question.