Time, What is Time?

and in the afternoon... but yes it will happen again...

2306 etc. (if you're only using the last 2 digits for the year)

Rider of Theli said:
in the afternoon it will be 13:02

and yeah you're right. I didn't look far enough ahead. I guess it will happen again... but sadly not in my lifetime. :erk:

Shoot, *I'm* planning on living another hundred years, at LEAST. And wearing unbecoming clothing to metal concerts.
lady_space said:
Shoot, *I'm* planning on living another hundred years, at LEAST. And wearing unbecoming clothing to metal concerts.

and somehow I imagine you'll still be as cute as ever on corset night 50 or 75 years from now. :grin:

and hey, go check your MySpace messages.