Timo Tolki stabbed in arm and face!!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
I dont know if anyone already posted this news... I did a search and didnt found it.

Here is the blabbermouth article:
Report: STRATOVARIUS Guitarist Assaulted In Spain, Treated For Stab Wounds - Mar. 1, 2004

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki was assaulted in the center of Granada, Spain on Sunday (Feb. 29) as he was taking a walk, Finland's Sonera Plaza is reporting. According to STRATOVARIUS keyboardist Jens Johansson, who witnessed the attack, the alleged attacker was extremely agitated and had "a Hispanic looking appearance". During the assault, the attacker shouted "Tolkki." He was armed with what seemed to be a box cutter.

Tolkki was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was admitted to emergency care. He had two stab wounds on his left arm and a facial contusion. His wounds were cleaned and bandaged and he was released from hospital care.

Anybody with any information about the attacker is being asked to contact the police.

Tolkki commented that he is "shocked and horrified" by what happened. "Apparently this guy had been stalking me. The bastard attacked me from behind," Tolkki said. "I can take anything, but that was such a cowardly act, you know. He got me with the knife twice and punched me in the face. Then he ran away. The whole thing lasted just seconds. Now I am thinking that this might be the end of my career. I do not want to end up like John Lennon. I don't know if I want to continue STRATOVARIUS anymore".

When asked if he thinks that the attack has something to do with the resent changes in STRATOVARIUS lineup and the death threats he has received, Tolkki commented: "Of course I feel there is a connection to that. Why would anybody attack me like that otherwise? What possible other motive this guy could have had than that? I think he tried to kill me, but this time I was lucky".

STRATOVARIUS performed on Saturday night as a headliner of Piorno Rock Festival in Granada, Spain.

Two photos of Timo Tolkki taken on Sunday after he was treated for his wounds can be viewed here.
unfortunatelly today the photos are offline. at least I couldt access them. Some people are sayng the wounds seem fake. I dunno... Well, talk about being fucked... Tolki lost his mind completely. The guy went crazy. Even his webmaster said he is lunatic! A brazilian fan sent him a package with shit inside and now the spanish fan attacks him. All because he lost his mind and fought with everyone and such...
i just wonder why this happened now! why not earlier??? stratovarius = gaymusic :err: and by the way, wasn´t the whole thing just one of those media tricks? there have been rumours that Timo "thegaymaster" stapped himself..
I wouldn't be surprised if he stabbed himself. Did you see the articles before that he posted? He's gone insane! He took a pic of himself covered in blood and said he started hearing voices from "Jesus" talking about this pagan book he had that tells how to become one with you and your soul. He probably did stab himself for the sympathy and publicity. :loco: He badly needs mental help.
No what what opinion people hold, it shouldn't have to come to this. I saw the pictures and articles. If i could meet Tolkki I'd tell him that he really was a great man (because right now I think he has the need to feel so, emotional vulnerability). And the guy should be taking a break somewhere, I dont know, maybe in the Nepali countryside ;)
But this... is insane!!
Why would one care to change something one does not like? Why can't one "let it be"?
Someone with experience as far as bloody attacks and hospitals goes said that the blood and wounds seemed fake.. after a trip to the hospital.. the colour of the blood? It seemed really fake he said...

Nurture him? Hell no... This crowded world could surely spare one moron...