The Strato-shit has hit the fan...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Check this out...the ongoing saga would be funny if it weren't so fucking serious...

According to a Sanctuary press release, STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki was assaulted in the centrum of Granada on Sunday as he was having a walk.
The statement is as follows: “According to Stratovarius keyboard player Jens Johansson,who witnessed the attack, the man was extremely agitated and had ‘a Hispanic looking appearance.’ As he attacked, he shouted ‘Tolkki.’ He was armed with what seemed to be a box cutter.

Tolkki was taken to a nearby hospital, where Dr. Fernandez treated him. He was admitted to emergency care. He had two stab wounds on his left arm and a facial contusion. His wounds were cleaned and bandaged and he was released from hospital care.

We would like to ask anybody with any information about the attacker to contact the police.

Tolkki comments that he is ‘shocked and horrified’ by what happened. ‘Apparently this guy had been stalking me. The bastard attacked me from behind,’ Tolkki continues. ‘I can take anything, but that was such a cowardly act, you know. He got me with the knife twice and punched me in
the face. Then he ran away. The whole thing lasted just seconds. Now I am thinking that this might be the end of my career. I do not want to end up like JOHN LENNON. I don't know if I want to continue Stratovarius anymore.’

When asked if he thinks that the attack has something to do with the resent changes in Stratovarius line up and the death threats he has received, Tolkki comments: ‘Of course I feel there is a connection to that. Why would
anybody attack me like that otherwise? What possible other motive this guy could have had than that? I think he tried to kill me, but this time I was lucky.’

Stratovarius performed on Saturday night as a headliner of Piorno Rock Festival in Granada, Spain.

Now...I do find it amusing that the assailant was described as Hispanic looking. In Spain...that should certainly narrow down the list of suspects...ha!

What I'm wondering is...we got to see bloody pics of TT a few weeks back...let's see them now...

Seriously, the guy's a freak, but, as he's said before, it's just a band...and it has to come to this? Very sad...
As much as Timo Tolkki has been an asshole for the past months, having alcoholic problems and etc, I don't feel the need to push him this far. I mean, it's just a band, the so loyal Stratovarius fans showed that they're not loyal at all, and Timo has been treated like shit. He's a dick, okay, but the whoooooole big deal is not necessary at all. If he decides to quit Stratovarius, I'll be sad because I really wanna hear the new stuff, but at least I hope people leave him alone, I feel sorry for the guy.
I'd like to think that the whole Stratovarius thing is just a publicity stunt, but I can't understand why one would want to repeatedly and royaly embarass oneself to get attention. Thus I guess the whole thing must be true in Tolkki's mind.

Despite the great past of this band, it's going to be impossible to not think of Tolkki's behavior when you mention the name Stratovarius.
ROFL OK everyone do me a favor please look at my icon I look like a Hispanic person? If you said no, well you are partially wrong...I am 1/2 ESPANOL (mother is from Spain, father from Greece)...OH wait maybe it was me who attacked Timo and then flew back to the states before they could catch me...I just can't believe this shit, some of me wants to believe it but somehow I think this is just some sick shit that is turning out to be a stupid ass publicity stunt...and for what? to point out that Timo is some sick and twisted fuck who has peaked in his music career.

I am an old school Strato fan and I think this has gotten to a point where someone needs to check in some rehab center and fast!!! :)

Cheers, Tony