tIMs Return to Japan in June!

Japan and Singapore were just amazing as anticipated! THey are so into the music there, in a very different way than Europe! It's so hard to explain. The meet and greets were so orderly and so polite and so fun! The shows were great and the gear and venues were fantastic. The people were just so special, I don't really know how else to describe it! I can't wait to go back!!!! I got to see my best friend who was a HUGE help in making it all happen and spend time with her and see my Cousin too. I got the extra perks this time! :grin::wave: I am not able to post pics cuz I am a moron and don't have anywhere to host them. I'm sure you can catch some on our facebook pages though! The bands we played with were top notch too and so friendly! Sigh.... missing it all. Have to wait for MX coming up. Culture shock ahead! AHAHAHAHA!!! :D