Tinker Bell's French Tickler

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Ever come across man children in your day to day life? I'm not talking vunts who sit around playing video games, and fapping to Miss Grinch mind you. No, what I want to broach on this dewy morn are these friends of the friendless types who are caught in a neverending reverie. One of my colleagues of the menial is a forty two year old action figure enthusiast who has his underoos pressed for him. Over the past moons that have been cast crescent to full, he's been boasting about his new bachelor's nook off the Sunset Strip. With overwhelming jubilation we proverbially patted his haunches, as he was about to undertake this rite of passage into adulthood. No longer would we have to suffer through his braggadocio of being "home alone" while his parents took a two week sabbatical to the mother land. Hours upon hours of vetting for the highest quality sundry fixture to impress the ladies would eventually culminate towards a man cave for the ages. Much boastful chat spread through these hallowed halls of our employ, as he lured men in with talks of big screen tvs, liquor, and foosball. Apparently many an adult sleep over was had in mind. Come today, Peter Panda has no zoo but Momma's to call his dorm. Turns out the paint job to the stairs wasnt to his liking. While he sits sloth and slovenly in his own skin, perusing the web for designer watches, the boastful exclamations, and the entreaties for a night of smores under a grey sky, (the firmament being his nape), now goes untold. Much like the myriad of business endeavors he once planned on opening up and pursuing. All lost to the phantom zone.

It's a bit odd, I'll never quite understand immature nepotism. Oh sure, I've joked that I'm an old teenager since I still have band posters up in my music room, but of course I god damn do, I pay the bills under and over mine own domicile, and I shall decorate the walls as I please! At the same time, in a lot of ways, I've been a curmudgeonly old fool since I turned 24, so that counterbalances my own limited universe I suppose.
The firmament grew a pinkish hue, as tinker bell dabbled her magic pixie dust upon a Sony Xperia. The man child known as Alfonso, known to his inner skype circles as Fonzie Bear whispered sensual utterings to the prepubscence that yearned from across ocean depths. Nine months of longing were upon them, but the embrace of a stranger is warmer when left to fermentation. Another half dozen new moons worth of pining would be tacked on to this emotionally stunted romance. Baby Panda will sit idle amongst his deep fried bamboo, a bidet of tears, a vape trail of cheese.
Eighty-Eight Chinese strolled down the railways of baby panda's gastro-intestinal layer. With rice granules residing in his molars, he reached for the phone once more. A score and two of consecutive coronary debilitating deliveries. Swine slaughtered to feed swine. Pork chops, honey walnut shrimp, sweet n sour chicken, intertwined.

But seriously, my co-worker is on his 22nd straight day of Chinese delivery. This isnt $5 combo Chinese either, we're talking $11-$15 an item, $40-$75 an order. Good grief.

The bamboo shoot loving ponderous panda has finally ventured on his own to graze in the gardens of adulthood. However, rather than seeking a mate to share the succulent shoots of sustenance, he rolls over and bathes in tinker bell's pixie dust once more. Furthering his quest towards independence, he has taken in a young sapling of questionable "orientation" to be his bedside companion. That's right kids, after over two score and two years, this living embodiment of cheese and stunted emotion is sharing grazing pastures.

Two dudes, two beds, one room, one cup.
To the woeful tinkerbell, recently witnessed her ward misplace his manbabby billfold while taking in an evening performance. The quinquagenarian man babby was befuddled and flummoxed, "if I cancel my credit lines, oh how will I pay for my Disney +?"

The poor man babby bid adeau to the streaming site and opted for some GirlsDoPron paypigging instead. For what is a french tickler good for outside of these times of crisis? With the jimmy in place he rubbed one out. As despite the hundo lbs of sebaceousness that cling to him like barnacles of ornamental flesh, one must be clean in said acts of self debasement.


Momma Take Me Home