Tip of the Month

Nut Butter

Nov 27, 2003
Whe you return to your office from any long absence, start reading your most recent email first. This way you won't waste time on issues that no longer require your attention.

Management has spoken.
i do this with email fights that people cc me on- read them in reverse order.
things go from bad to good and it leaves you with a nice warm feeling, as though everything was worked out. even though it wasn't. then i get coffee and go to lunch.
TheNewChupe said:
i do this with email fights that people cc me on- read them in reverse order.
things go from bad to good and it leaves you with a nice warm feeling, as though everything was worked out. even though it wasn't. then i get coffee and go to lunch.

That's just like that horrible horrible horrible movie "Irreversible" where the worst things you can possibly imagine happen at the beginning but since the movie's presented in reverse, you almost forget what happened once the movie is over, like "yay, life's beautiful when you haven't yet been violently raped and disfigured!" :ill: