tips for my first mix please


Jun 18, 2013
First sorry for my bad english :)
As the title says I need Feedback for my first mix. Guitars are recorded with di-signal and processed by overloau Th2.
Bass: Zombass 3-di
Drums: Toontracks Metal Machine.
Unfortunately is not 100% clean recorded. But I'm feeling mostly to the sound. Thank you in advance.
Here is the link to the song: song 1.wav
And the guitars sounds good??? i mean the bass is a little bit whir/ muffled.

Well yes it all needs a little refining, but you sound like you are in the right ball park. The guitars are clipping a little check through the plugins to see.

Bass is ok I use waves PAZ to judge my low end as I am working and try to work to keep the stuff under 180 flat as possible. But its not that bad, maybe use waves c4 on guitars to tame them a bit.

But really its not that bad.