Tired of dumb white people jokes.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Method Man and Redman have a new show on Fox, they move into some affluent (read: rich white people) neighborhood and "raise the roof" and other such pre-packaged and predictable occurrences with hilarious results.

Black hip guy: "yo, we was kickin' it."
White dumb bitch: "I have no idea what that means."

What is this, 1987? Yes, white people are lame, okay, WE GET IT. Although if being lame means not wearing flamboyant clothes and speaking with even a remote grasp on the English language, so be it.

NAD said:
What is this, 1987? Yes, white people are lame, okay, WE GET IT. Although if being lame means not wearing flamboyant clothes and speaking with even a remote grasp on the English language, so be it.
It is cool to insult intelligence, and belittle the white man aong with the English language nowadays. I thought you knew. I'm so sick and tired of this double-standard PC bullshit in America. Don't get me started NAD cuz you hit a raw nerve.

Go on and read William Henry III's In Defense of Elitism or perhaps Jared Taylor's Paved With Good Intentions.
I think it's funny when people make fun of all races. That's why I like Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle - yeah, they might laugh at white people, but now they tend to laugh at black people more.

Cracker ass cracker!