Tired of shitty emo music on the radios?


New Metal Member
May 18, 2009
Hey everyone. I'm new here (and to forums in general!) and I'll totally admit to wanting to advertise for my boyfriend's band Metaphisc (he's the one with the goatee). Before you just mark me as spam or try and get me flagged, at least give them a listen. Metaphisc is a lot different than pretty much any of the bands out there right now, and they're trying to win the Ernie Ball Battle of the bands. Their goal is to win the first part, (not necessarily the grand prize, but that would be awesome!) which is getting enough votes to play warped tour in our city (Portland Oregon). Huge exposure. So, I'm just trying to help them out by telling anyone and everyone who would listen.

Speaking of listen, you can go to the battle of the bands link here to listen Metaphisc's contest song. You do NOT have to vote. BUT! If you like them, or at least would want something other than emo or screamo at the warped tour, it would be awesome if you did. It only takes 30 seconds to sign up (no personal info is needed, make it all up if you want), confirm your email (you have to use a real email), and then vote. Just click back on my link and then you can click the vote button. If you have any friends in bands, tell them to sign up so they may have a chance at playing warped tour in their city!
