Titan Quest For PC


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Mar 29, 2003
Well after 4 days of playing this Diablo wannabe it went right into the trash! What a complete waste of time! I thought maybe I was missing something so I thought it would get better? Nope! I was really having high hopes for this but the atmosphere of the game is just lacking IMO. At least I have Diablo 1&2 that have much better replay value. If you see this game in the store run like hell.
funny you should post this now. You see, shortly after the game was released almost two years ago my wife surprised me with it for Christmas 2006. I installed it on my desktop (which more than met the minimum specs) and the game subsequently went awry with the graphics. :ill: I could not find a fix, so I shelved the game until such a time as I could improve my RAM and vid card.

Here it is almost two years later and instead of adding to my PC, I have bought my first laptop (I have three PCs networked at home). Since this laptop has 3GB more RAM than my personal desktop, and since the video card is as good or better, I thought I would give Titan Quest another shot.

So I installed the game over this past weekend and it ran like a charm. No graphics glitches to be seen with about an hour of in-game time. But I must agree - the game lacks definition so far. Granted it is a simple Diablo-wannabe affair. But I'm not impressed yet. I'll probably give it a few more tries just to see where it goes. But like you said Q, it may just 'go' straight into the trash. ;)

as an aside, I have also installed Neverwinter Nights 2 on the laptop and it ran fairly well (after having similar graphics issues on my desktop). Although before patching the game it was a bit choppy at times with character movement. I'm hoping that since I have patched it up to the latest edition, the graphics will have smoothed out. I will report back once I playtest it again.

I'll be installing Lord of the Rings Online over this coming weekend and getting that one up to speed, as well as the original Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition. I'm just trying to make sure each of these games are compatible with VISTA 64-bit before going crazy with installs. heh heh. :goggly:
Titan Quest > Diablo 2.

actually one item that piqued my interest about TQ is the ability to create your own modules. I had some fun with this in the Aurora Toolset in Neverwinter Nights. And although there's no DM client (that I'm aware of) with TQ, it would still be cool to create your own 'dungeons & dragons' style modules for people to play through.

Just gotta get used to the overall game mechanics before delving into that. The Aurora Toolset was a bitch to learn in the beginning, but I did pretty well with it after a couple years of practice. Never figured out scripting though; I had to rely on others for that. And the toolset for NwN2 is a whole different animal altogether. :ill: Might tackle that one later too. :cool: