Title list from "S P E C T R A L"

haha ... every band has to have either a song/cd/lyrics mentioning the word 'awake' dont they? ... not that theres anything wrong with it, cuz my band's name is awakenings, but ... yeah. sounds really good.
Great song names, can't wait *dances again*.

May 10th that is very early release based on only being recorded in Feb. Doesnt matter though, it will be great.
I dunno, maybe it's me, but just by looking at the song titles, I get an idea of an end with Timeless Departure and the struggle for a new beginning with Mind Revolution. These titles don't have as strong of an implication as the other two albums, but if anything they seem to depict the creation of this new world (Conjuring the Thoughts, Shadow Creator), the beginning of it (Awake), the conflicts within it (A Dead Man's Race), and the desire for the unliklihood of its success (Void of Hope). Or maybe I'm reading into it too much.

Anyway, funky philosophical interpretations aside, they kick major ass :headbang:
F-U-C-K Yae!!s!11

Wow, first thing to say is the production sounds amazing, even at 64kbps. The drums are so much more full and crisp than MR. The overall sound of the music reminds me of a blend of MR and TD. Sounds fucking great and I have a feeling this will be Skyfires best CD yet, and no question it will be in the top 3 for 2004!
Holy shit, this kicks ass. It sounds mostly like Mind Revolution when comparing it with the other two, but every so often you pull something that doesn't belong on either album. It's gonna be amazing. God would postpone the apocalypse until after the release of this if He had to.

The storm is coOOOooming! :headbang:
Im going to do it! Im going to do it!

Man I've played the samples like 93589743983476934769347936 times. Fucking amazing shit man! AMAZING!
:hotjump: these samples promise a lot, especially Shadow Creator sounds extremely kick-ass :headbang:
and yeah, it all sounds new and still reminds strongly of.... well typical Skyfire compositions - cool :Smokedev: