wow....Jonas didnt play bass? Thats kinda sad actually .
Hey Henke, you tell Jonas to drop me a line when he can. e-mail me or something, I miss talking to the big bastard. Shoot, tell him to drop the forum a line or something I hope everythings well with the guy though.
But I guess if he chose not to enter the studio he must have good reason. I hope whatever happened works out and stuff. But yeah, it would be cool to hear from him every so often.
Yeah I guess he must have a good reason, although I don't know what it could be, but we shouldn't even wonder because it's none of our business anyway.
The new album is seriously going to be unbelievable. I've listened to Shadow Creator and Cursed By Belief approximately a thousand times each already, they're unbelievable. Skyfire's a band you can always count on!