TNBD - live footage with interview!


Cheers Chris; there is more video coming too. I did sell the Dual Terror in the end, but it was pretty good for the time I had it. Guess I'm just more of a behemoth amp kinda guy!
That's cool man - whatever works best.

I also liked how it seems everyone brings something to the table, as opposed to one or two of you being the main composers - seems like you all have a hand in the writing process, which is cool. I have been in bands before that were that way, and it didn't always work out (me being the opinionated prick that I am... but that was a long time ago :D). So, kudos to you dudes for making it work! :kickass:
Cheers bro! :)

Yeah I was very pleased with the micing I got of the drums in the end. I do wish I had used my Laney instead of the Orange for my amp sounds, but oh well - can't win them all :)
Been meaning to say for a while, but I really like your band actually, which is odd for me because I'm not a big fan of instrumental stuff usually. :)