To anyone in EUROPE!

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Sorry for the shameless plug.... :D

My band's album has now been released via Sony/BMG throughout all of Europe. We recently signed a deal with Drakkar, who in the past have released albums by Kreator, Nightwish, Ensiferum and even Lordi haha.

Here it is on the German amazon:


Myspace link is in my signature :)
Yeah, dude..It´s ordered ! tomorrow i´ll be able to listen to your album fuckin´loudly.

Edit: I found that :)

Produziert wurde das Album weitgehend von Gitarrist Dan Goldsworthy und Schlagzeuger Nick Scholey – Dieses Duo ist produktionstechnisch wirklich Gold wert, so fetten und glasklaren Sound bekommen nicht viele Produzenten hin; Auch wenn das Schlagzeug relativ stark getriggert ist, stört das im Gesamtsound nicht.

Great press, man!
Thanks a lot guys! :)

(We actually recorded it a year and a half ago and some of the songs are over 4 years old! But I'm still pretty happy with it... the entire thing from drums through to vocals was recorded in 9 days! Mixed by Dan and Justin from SikTh)
Thanks very much guys!

I think one of our songs is on the Cd that comes with this month's Metal Hammer magazine. In Germany that is. The CD is called 'MAXIMUM METAL' haha.
HOLY shit. Some guy has gone on a bunch of german sites slagging off our album really badly....


Went and had a look at his favourite albums on his amazon profile - and it happens to be death magnetic. I'm guessing/hoping that clipping death had something to do with it?! But he clearly missed the fucking joke...
Hahaha, I assume you got someone to translate that for ya Dan ;) What does it say? And shouldn't your band's name have an apostrophe? :D
I try to translate very loosely, based on the fact it is past midnight right now and I'm quite groggy ;)

The first paragraph would say:

May we introduce ourselves, we are My Minds Weapon! We are the next metal-hope from great britain, at least our label wants us to be so. We simply start playing (without direction), have a blasting production at our back, our vocalist Ben shouts pretty good but also does clean melodies because they're pretty common and one or two breakdowns have to be in our music too. If that is supposed to be metalcore or (and which in our case sounds even better) technical metal, we don't seem to know by ourselves. In any case we try anything and if that only means to play randomly and aggressively on our instruments...

Despite the fact that not one of us could write just one decent song we still seem to have a label deal...

actually it's not really worth translating, he's babbling a lot of shit and it only gets worse, I don't know how to translate the negative vibe he gives the review. You know, like someone who is just really pissed off that this album even dares to exist. Maybe it's the Youtube ripoff dude? :lol:
Video made me lol big time though, you have one guitarist (is that you?) that needs a pogo stick :lol: