To anyone in EUROPE!

hey dan, I have reported that review to amazon. it was unbearable to read. I suggest every german amazon user does the same.

Thanks a lot man - I really appreciate that!

If it was someone who genuinely thought our album was terrible, I wouldn't be as bothered as everyone is entitled to their opinion... I'm sure there's plenty of people that think my band is rubbish haha. But even from google's translation I could tell it was someone who really had a problem for another reason. The review seemed to say nothing about our music as an opinion, just took our myspace biography and slagged us off.

The silly thing is, as I've said a billion times before (inc. on the Clipping Death myspace page and the end of the Muppets video) I love Metallica. As much as the clipping death thing is taking the piss, it's also been a total joy to try and recreate a couple of metallica classic myself (with the help of some of the fine people on here)
What is that on Amazon ??? I can´t believe it! Asshole.

Dan, your album is a Masterpiece ! Very good songs with progressive elements made with very much know how in each musically range. The Solos and the prog quotes are an enjoyment for my fuckin´ ears.

My amazon review will released within the next 48 hours.

So erscheint Ihre Rezension:

5.0 von 5 Sternen Ein Meisterwerk des Genres, 10. Dezember 2008
Von Flexus Maximus - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen
Das ist das Beste was ich seit langem in diesem Genre gehört habe. Besser kann man diese Musik nicht machen. Allein schon die traumhaften Gitarrensoli sind outstanding!! Von den genialen Prog Elementen müssen wir garnicht erst reden..hier sind richtige Vollblutmusiker am Werk, die ihr Handwerk perfekt beherrschen. Wogegen mich andere Bands dieses Genres mittlerweile langweilen..(nervige arps, übertriebenes staccatto riffing), unterhält mich "MY MINDS WEAPON" perfekt.

"AT LEAST YOURE NOT DEAD" ist mein Anspieltipp, wobei das ganze Album knallt wie Hölle!! Für Progfans ein MUSS. Wundervoll:)

Edit: Dan, I got threats of violence due to clipping death..not everyone understand, that we fuckin´love Metallica. But that´s only a small minority. I don´t wanna give this great shit up because of this. Fight and die :)
What is that on Amazon ??? I can´t believe it! Asshole.

Dan, your album is a Masterpiece ! Very good songs with progressive elements made with very much know how in each musically range. The Solos and the prog quotes are an enjoyment for my fuckin´ ears.

My amazon review will released within the next 48 hours.

Thanks a lot dude!

haha, people are stupid, lol.
no one has contacted me though :(

Maybe you should master a bit louder in the future then, Lasse... :D
I released the youtube video...I think that´s the reason, why some Idiots wanna fuck with me. I was in the town..some backwood ask me "Heeey I hab ghört du hasch was gege Metallica"..on english: "Heeeey..I've heard, what you have against Metallica" LOOOOL

My review is on the german amazon..


Come on, guys...write a small review, too. To repair this unworthy overall star assessment !