To Elitist Records

Somehow just not my cup of tea... Not as fucked up as Dillinger, so... The songs have some good moments, but not so much I'd like it...
Yes I know that. But you haven't been stupid enough to steal the coffee maker. Of course I would have known you did it! You're just scouting the route here, that was clear from the beginning. After the people in your cottage invent wheel we're all lost. Expect you. You win.

But not easily, I can tell you that!
Yes, it's clear that we are not the cleverest people around... But it has been seen that the stupid inherit the land nowadays... MUAHAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!! Beware!
Windom Pearl said:
What do you mean it isn't my problem? It's only 30 kms away!!! One day your people will invade my home just for the fun of it and steal my coffee maker!
Shh... In the worst case, it could be a lot less! :)
Thanks for the link to these guys. It's interesting stuff, but I think it's early days for the band at the moment, IMO.

I think the band need to shake off the more obvious influences and follow their own path a little more. There's some nice passages and riffs, and the drummer looks excellent if the video is anything to go by (that's half the battle - so many bands are killed by a shit drummer before they even start).

Six months down the line I think they could be a force to be reckoned with.
