To Marine


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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The first thing I want to say is that some of the coolest guys I have ever met in the world, are Army and more specifically Rangers and Airborne. They are also tough as nails and despite being a marine, I am sure you would agree.

Anyway, I was at a local club (I live right next to Fort Benning Georgia) a couple of years ago and it was payday for the GIs. The band was rocking and 75% of the jars (no offense) were acting stupid and fighting. One particular soldier stood out. I figured he was a young officer or something. He avoided offending anyone and was a perfect gentleman to the waitresses though they were backed up and weren't doing as well as would be normally. I approached him and asked him why he wasn't acting like his comrades. He told me that he was a marine and was on leave visisitng family. Don't get me wrong, this guy was raising hell in his own way, but it was clear that The United Marine Corps is the reason he was acting so respectfully as his first words out of his mouth were "I am a marine."

Having said all of that.... one of the coolest guys I have ever met was an Airborne Sgt. who I know as Troy. He's not a very smart guy as he is a Raider fan and I am a Seeler fan, but on many occasions we have watched games together at a local sports bar, him watchhing one TV and me another. I am afraid that when football season starts again, Troy won't be next to me bitching about the Raiders while listening to me bitch about The Steelers. He will probably be in Iraq keeping our freedom strong.

Bryant said:
The first thing I want to say is that some of the coolest guys I have ever met in the world, are Army and more specifically Rangers and Airborne. They are also tough as nails and despite being a marine, I am sure you would agree.

Anyway, I was at a local club (I live right next to Fort Benning Georgia) a couple of years ago and it was payday for the GIs. The band was rocking and 75% of the jars (no offense) were acting stupid and fighting. One particular soldier stood out. I figured he was a young officer or something. He avoided offending anyone and was a perfect gentleman to the waitresses though they were backed up and weren't doing as well as would be normally. I approached him and asked him why he wasn't acting like his comrades. He told me that he was a marine and was on leave visisitng family. Don't get me wrong, this guy was raising hell in his own way, but it was clear that The United Marine Corps is the reason he was acting so respectfully as his first words out of his mouth were "I am a marine."

Having said all of that.... one of the coolest guys I have ever met was an Airborne Sgt. who I know as Troy. He's not a very smart guy as he is a Raider fan and I am a Seeler fan, but on many occasions we have watched games together at a local sports bar, him watchhing one TV and me another. I am afraid that when football season starts again, Troy won't be next to me bitching about the Raiders while listening to me bitch about The Steelers. He will probably be in Iraq keeping our freedom strong.


That's a cool story Bryant...and I'm sure every branch will tell you - there's always that 2-4% of knuckleheads who always have to be stupid and act like idiots. While I was in, there was always the inter-service rivalry, but some of the best friends I made while I served, were not only in the Marines, but Airborne and the Ranger teams as well. I guess that's where I got the "We're all on the same team" mentallity for the Old School forum...we did rib each other about our respective branches, we competed for chicks in the bars on the weekends (when we weren't out in the bush that is) and we always tried to go one up on each other...but it always with a lot of respect.

I have a lot of friends who are in Afghanistan and Iraq right now, and one of the Marines from my unit is actually up for a Congressional Medal of Honor for diving on a grenade to protect his fellow Marines...the NY Post just ran an article this week. It's tough sitting home watching the news...but my wife is happy I'm not over there...even though she knows the Marine in me is kind of yearning to break out... another sense...I'm a part of another brother(and sister)hood...that being the Metal Community...and in particular, this forum...

Thanks for sharing that story Bryant...I can definitely relate dude...

I've always admired the troops. Always. To go out there and basically fight for our lazy asses is just amazing and admirable in my eyes. And in my opinion, you guyd don't get the credit you deserve, especially now. Marine, i had respect for you BEFORE you even walked into this forum, dude. You already fucking rule in my book. :headbang:
I'm the weirdest of this bunch. I admire warriors and soldiers, but I don't believe in discipline. I was long living in Costa Rica, I'm Costa Rican) when the Argentinian army draft me (I born in Argentina), needless to say I never went and until 1995 I was a "desertor". I can't picture myself allowing a fucking sargent try to wake me up before 9:00 ot telling me to do push ups or whatever. I'd probably kick the guy and end (with broken ribs) in the brig or worse. I have a huge problem with authority (that goes to police, politicians, etc.), so I will have never fit in an army branch.

Nevertheless I respect them, especially those who volunteer and/or made a career in the armed forces as a way of living. As admirable total peace will be, the fact is that mankind is not the homo sapiens but the homo belicus. There will be always a war to fight and those who do it with for country and nation are commendable. So sad civilians seldom appreciate what is for these people to be in the battlezone, far and away from home and family, knowing that each day may be their last. The governments send their children to war so easily, but never give them the deserved credit when they come back.

If we are here today chatting in harmony is because some soldier gave his/her life for the freedom and right to do this in a war long in the past. We may forgive, but never forgot.

To you all member of the armed forces, my deepest respects.
I have Respect For all My Friends and Family that have fought But Me personally I cannot see my self going to war for the goverments propaganda I Belive Deeply in the Idea of America and its a worthy cause to fight for but oil on the other hand I dont know hahahaha My political Views are all my own hahahaha .... But anyways! Soldiers See things that none of could imagine! My pops saw some Horrible shit in Nam! I Respect him for that Like no other He did some Brave shit!
That's why warriors and soldiers don't get caught up in the politics of things...our battle is on the ground with the bad guys...civilian's battles are in the public holding politicians accountable for their policies and procedures. Battles don't have to have bullets and bombs flying around to be important...if we all do our jobs on both sides of the fence, I think we'll find an even balance...hopefully.
Wicked Child said:
I've always admired the troops. Always. To go out there and basically fight for our lazy asses is just amazing and admirable in my eyes. And in my opinion, you guyd don't get the credit you deserve, especially now. Marine, i had respect for you BEFORE you even walked into this forum, dude. You already fucking rule in my book. :headbang:

I appreciate you saying so Wicked Child...that means a lot to me, especially on Memorial Day weekend...I went down to the Vietnam Memorial yesterday to pay my respects to those who came before me...a very sobering experience, no matter how many times I go...

JB :worship: :worship: :worship:
USMC0341 said:
That's a cool story Bryant...and I'm sure every branch will tell you - there's always that 2-4% of knuckleheads who always have to be stupid and act like idiots.
That's anywhere of course. Some of the people at my work are great people but a few I would pay money, to knock some sense into them with a baseball bat if I wouldn't get fired over it.

USMC0341 said:
That's why warriors and soldiers don't get caught up in the politics of things...our battle is on the ground with the bad guys...civilian's battles are in the public holding politicians accountable for their policies and procedures. Battles don't have to have bullets and bombs flying around to be important...if we all do our jobs on both sides of the fence, I think we'll find an even balance...hopefully.
Exzactly thats a soldiers Job :) A good politician will be working to Get The Soldier Home alive hahahahaha But yep your right Bro!
USMC0341 said:
I appreciate you saying so Wicked Child...that means a lot to me, especially on Memorial Day weekend...I went down to the Vietnam Memorial yesterday to pay my respects to those who came before me...a very sobering experience, no matter how many times I go...

JB :worship: :worship: :worship:
Well, i'm glad it made you feel good. I mean every word. Y'know, i've always wanted to go to the Vietnam memorial. And now that it's open as of today, i'd also like to visit the new World War II memorial.
Bryant said:
That's anywhere of course. Some of the people at my work are great people but a few I would pay money, to knock some sense into them with a baseball bat if I wouldn't get fired over it.


I'd be right there with you Bryant...sometimes I have to just bite my tongue and walk away from certain people...
Wicked Child said:
Well, i'm glad it made you feel good. I mean every word. Y'know, i've always wanted to go to the Vietnam memorial. And now that it's open as of today, i'd also like to visit the new World War II memorial.

I'm going to try and make it down there within the next few weeks or so...hopefully the corwds will get a little bit more manageable by then, so you can actually take your time and really take the whole place in...

my big bro's a captain in the infantry in the british army.i have the utmost respect for him for doing it,not least because i know i all you soldiers who go and eat dirt to fight for proper democracy,my greatest respect.