

Dead Cold Day
Apr 23, 2004
A few comments on Dime and what happened:

First off, I am still reeling from what happened. It's horrible and it has affected me in a big way. When Cliff Burton died, I was devastated but it was an accident, and somehow that was kind of acceptable, because accidents do happen. Someone walked onstage and shot Dime in the head 5 times at point blank range - and that just completely floored me.

Next - I will be forever grateful that I made the 2 hour trip a few days before to Sayreville, NJ to see that tour. I got to see Dime live right before he was taken from us, and the show was awesome. Dime and crew got the crowd fired up for Shadows Fall and again - seeing him in a small venue was just unbelievable.

I am also disgusted that the asshole who did this was in the Marine Corps. He was kicked out dishonorably (for reasons yet to be disclosed), and he has disgraced the name of all Marines who server their country and the Corps honorably. I am honestly glad that cop who came in killed him. The only thing I can think of that would be better would be to have apprehended him, and then to raffle off tickets to fans - the winners would get 20 minutes alone with the fuck in a locked room and could do whatever they wanted with him.

Lastly - I am going to take the intro to "Cemetary Gates" and write a bass solo for it as a tribute to Dimebag. It's something I feel strongly about, and I am making this a priority over the original stuff I am working on. Every single interview I have read or hear where anyone spoke about Dime, they only had positive things to say about him. I want to do something, regardless of how small it is, to honor him and what he has done for metal. I am also happy that Zakk Wylde still plans on moving forward with the instrumental guitar album that he, Kerry King and Dime were planning on doing - maybe they will make it a tribute.

One last thing - I think Phil Anselmo has a very big opportunity in front of him. After all the fucked up things he has said about Vinny and Dime, and basically breaking up the band in the worst possible fashion - here's what I think the honorable thing to do would be:

Crawl on his hands and knees to Vinny, and sincerely appologize for being a drugged up asshole. Offer the olive branch and suggest re-forming Pantera. I am 100% positive that Zakk Wylde would be happy to play guitar for a reunion/tribute tour, as he is a HUGE Dimebag fan, and his style matches very well with Pantera and Dime's sound.

That's my 2 cents...we miss you Dime...RIP bro.
USMC0341 said:
AOne last thing - I think Phil Anselmo has a very big opportunity in front of him. After all the fucked up things he has said about Vinny and Dime, and basically breaking up the band in the worst possible fashion - here's what I think the honorable thing to do would be:

Crawl on his hands and knees to Vinny, and sincerely appologize for being a drugged up asshole. Offer the olive branch and suggest re-forming Pantera. I am 100% positive that Zakk Wylde would be happy to play guitar for a reunion/tribute tour, as he is a HUGE Dimebag fan, and his style matches very well with Pantera and Dime's sound.

That's my 2 cents...we miss you Dime...RIP bro.
I would like to know that Phil did make up with Vinnie. I don't need to have this be a public event. It's not our business. It was a war of words, the brothers dished it out too. It's all in the past now. I hope they can see that.
It would great if a number of muscians got together & did some kind of a tribute like they did for that singer of "Snot." Obviously Zakk & many more should be involved... As for a Pantera reunion of sorts? Unless it's a one off thing, I don't think I'd much care for that. A one show tribute or a recording, would be excellent.
I've been following what happened to Dime but this is the first I've posted about it. It's just shocking... I can't think of any other word for it. I'm not a fan of Pantera (with Phil singing anyways) or Damageplan but I am a fan of cool people and from what I've read it looks like Dimebag was a VERY cool guy.

As for a tribute thing... I hope they never do it. Someone trying to replace the most important member of a band just hits me as being disrespectful. Like what the Doors are doing now, or like that NY Dolls scam from last summer. I do like tribute albums with many different musicians though... I think that would be a better tribute to Dime than some one trying to "replace" him... even if it is for only one night.
I'll have to agree that there is no replacement for Dime - never will be and never should be. But I DO think that there are a shitload of musicians who truly love the guy - Zakk Wylde being one of them - and I think it would be a good way for them to pay homage to him and his legacy. I also think it might help Vinny grieve to at least see the band that he and Dime started back together again in front of the fans. Maybe I'm wrong and Vinny wants to just let it lie...and that would be fine as well. I'm just saying that a lot of people love Dime and Pantera, and I think they could do something really awesome and positive for the fans and themselves.

Regardless of what anyone does, this is just one of the worst possible things that has ever happened to the Metal community, and I am truly sick to my stomach over it. I just can't believe he's gone.
AntonCrowley_16 said:
Dimebag, Zakk, and Kerry were gonna get together and put out a album, I think itll be put out now as a tribute.

I was very excited when I first heard about Zakk, Kerry and Dime doing an instrumental metal guitar album. Maybe they'll get a few other metal guitarists involved and make it kick ass tribute to Dime...that would be really cool.
USMC0341 said:
A few comments on Dime and what happened:

First off, I am still reeling from what happened. It's horrible and it has affected me in a big way. When Cliff Burton died, I was devastated but it was an accident, and somehow that was kind of acceptable, because accidents do happen. Someone walked onstage and shot Dime in the head 5 times at point blank range - and that just completely floored me.
I know exzactly what you mean I feel the same way ....
:( I can't believe he's gone.

As for the Pantera reunion idea. I think that would be awesome with Zakk Wylde filling in. It's not disrespectful at all, Zakk and Dime loved each other like brothers, I'm sure Dime would be fine with it.
Recording it for a DVD and giving a large percent of the profits to Dime's family would be a great idea too.

R.I.P. Dime.
RIP my metal brother. You were a fine axe-slinger and despite the fact you and your bandmates made some stylistic changes over the years I wasn't crazy about.... you, your brother and the other members of your bands carried the torch for metal and you will be missed !!

There's probably a lot of people in hell kicking the shit out of that guy right now.
I don't care who caused the band to break up, it's all a he said we said they said bullshit, and it will never get resolved cause any one can lie and make up what they want. You can't really blame any one, so that guy is just some phsycho, Dime and all the others killed were just victims in this jerks wrath of hatred, stupidity, and I wish they had arrested him to get more answears and besides, he'd get all the attention in prison for what he did. That bastard! Killed my hero and I'm pissed!
I'll have my fist in the air for the rest of my life in tribute to my brother Dime.