To Mega Therion is way ahead of it's time


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Another Celtic Frost thread...

Each time I listen to TMT, I'm reminded of some other great music that was obviously influenced by Celtic Frost. The fact that this is from 1985 is remarkable.

Tonight I was blasting "Necromantical Screams" and it occured to me...shit, this sounds a lot like John Cobbet's writing style....and then *lightbulb moment*....listen to the last half of "For the Ax". It's a great homage. Thinking about it, you do hear a certain CF style throughout other areas of The Bastard.

Anyway, it must be said, TMT gets better with each listen. I'm constantly hearing new stuff on that record.
TMT to this day completely freaks me out and scares me ... the mood on that record is unbeatable.

Only you can turn any thread into a HOM thread ... hehe
I still don't see what the big deal is with CF. Their music bores me, but I totally respect Tom and co.
i think Blut Aus Nord has some serious CF influence as well .... especially TWWTG
Everything they did up through Into the Pandemonium was way ahead of its time. Pandemonium is my favorite though. I'm interested to hear what their new stuff will sound like.
Yeah, except I think BWD likes some CF now. I think.

To Mega Therion is pretty damn cool especially for 1985, but I've only listened to it a handful of times. I'd take Possessed - Seven Churches any day over this. Finally:

What ever happened to Celtic Frost?
Is it true that they got lost
in the pandemonium
Never to be seen again
Tom Warrior fell from a tree in cherry orchard
Martin Ain drowned in a cold lake
Reed St. Mark went to Mega Therion
and remains there 'till this day
Tom Warrior is waiting for the emperor's return
Martin Ain's trapped in the circle of tyrants
Reed St. mark was blinded in the crypt of rays
where he remains 'till this day
One Inch Man said:
To Mega Therion is pretty damn cool especially for 1985, but I've only listened to it a handful of times. I'd take Possessed - Seven Churches any day over this.
Both good, but you really need to give TMT a few more spins. Eventually you don't even draw the comparison other than the release dates.

It's weird that it never seems to feel dated, and rather, it starts to mature. When I first heard it, I think I took all the big orchestrated sounds or female vox for granted, and truthfully just focused on the obvious riffs etc...but now I appreciate the whole listening experience.

TMT feels pretty epic, and there's a sense of familiarity at play because you hear strands of it in other more recent music, and it makes you think, "ah, now that bit makes sense...".