To-Mera in Terrorizer's reader polls

Diet Nightwish?! WTF... If someone listens to your album and thinks you sound like Nightwish, he must be deaf... If you did sound like Nightwish, it'd be more like "schizo Nightwish"...
We came 2nd in "Best Newcomer" and Julie got 7th for "Most Shaggable" :)blush: )

The mag seems to think we're poo (we're a "diet Nightwish" apparently), but at least the readership has some taste, hehe.


Congratulations. Of course I'm referring to the best newcomer accomplishment!
Hmmm well I sometimes do wonder what on earth goes on in some magazine writer's minds when they come out with utter faeces like that :lol:
I've not read that mag for a who did the listeners of that magazine come up with for the number 1 spot??
^Ha, I thought the same thing.

Mind, this is by the same readership who voted Herman Li as Best Musician.