To people understanding Swedish, and likes LOTR-FOTR...


Blue Jesus
Oct 16, 2001
Check this out...:

And also:

She´s insane...

For all of you trying to understand, like FatherVic, She´s bashing everyone that likes the film, even everyone that likes fantasy in general, aswell as everyone that are into RPG. AND she gets away with it in one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden... Almost like she is preaching... just disturbing, thought that you could have a look...


The answer too that article (the second link) seems just even more stupid that the first article..
This really shows how intelligent people can be..

”JAG SKA DÖDA DIG !!!! (Detta är inget skämt, jag är 100% allvarlig). Jag ska slita av ditt fula åsnetryne och pissa i det, sen ska jag bränna håret på dig, och ha av dina armar och ben och äta dom till middag. Resten ska jag ge till svinen !!!!! Jävla BITCH !!!"

Vädigt moget...
No wonder she bashes these kind of people...
and who shall be the translator? I wanna hear what the fuck someone could say to bash that godly movie (imo). They shall burn in fantasy hell! (that is to say not real hell, although their may not be a real hell, thus making it fantasy hell. Are they going to real hell or fantasy hell? Hmmm)
well this is smart....introducing a non_english stuff with English. I feel satysfied Phyros, a correct tick for you :)
well I know all this ppl who believe they know it all, and who say seeing elves everywhere is not sane...It's our choice, and we still live quite functionaly among the rest of the society (ok don't take me as an example). But at least I never felt sick or insane for reading things that are fantasious, and can't see the differences between that and a good sci-fi's a matter of tastes, not of mentallity capabilities. Even though a good imagination is needed though!!!!
just tried to be serious with something deserved it!
a hope she gets fucked :)

fathervic (who can't be serious for more than three seconds in his life)
It never hurts to learn Swedish. :)
I have always though Expressen and Aftonbladet are sort of gossip-newspapers,so i am not surprised at all that this lady talks so much rubbish...

Originally posted by Final_Vision that a word? :D

Sure it is - I just invented it myself! :rolleyes:

About Arise, they are okay, I'd say. Nothing spectacularly special, but something like Hypocrisy meets old Edge of Sanity. Some nice guitar-riffs and leads here and there. I got it rather cheap (90 fim - about 15 euros). And the artwork is great!

Niklas said he was interviewed for Expressen last week (mentioned in Where was that article?
I see there're some Swedish (and maybe Norweign also) speakers. Years i'm eager to understand some of those bands lyrics - Ulver's chanting album (i can recall the norweign name), Kvist and SiebenBurgen. As a start (if you have no time for translation time) - I would be greatful to know what's Mork Grinnig's "Tusen ar har gat" (swedish) and Kvist's "For kunsten maa vi avig vike" (which i believe is norweign).

Thanks for any helpers...
maybe the other titles will give you some "proportions" of the means. I think i did understand the 3rd track name ;)

The review is more or less what there's in this album, although the almost-equal levels of all channels make that voice sounds as just another instrument - almost like In Flames' Jester Race. For me, not understanding a word, it serves as an atmosphire sound - a pretty good one in my opinion. You love it or you hate it. strange bird.

How could i forget! one of my favorite pieces, which bought my soul is Aspera Hiems Simfonia of Arcturus. I couldnt make out if the lyrics are english or norwegian - that means I didnt bother to make out, cause if it Norwegian i am "breaking" my ears trying.
I imagined i made out some English words in the amazing Fall of Man (track 7) - but again it could be total Norwegian. Anyone familiar with those lyrics?
I´ll take the trackslist, eventhough I´m not Norweigan, and not really underastand it..:)

1. Ars Manifestia - The manifest of art, or something, I´t latin, "ars amatoria" means the art of love anyway..:)

2. Forbannet Vaere Jorden Jeg Gar Pa - Cursed be the earth I walk upon.

3. Stupet - the slope

4. Svartedal - the black valley (litterary anyway)

5. Min Lekam er Meg Blott en Byrde - My body is just a burden (for me) (should be more poetic but I am too lazy (and drunk)to find a dictonary..:)

6. Vettenetter - could it be goblin nights? not quite sure tho...
ah fuck! Ars = Art? Gotcha, always wondered what the Vintersorg Ars Memorativa meant.

Guess it means something like Art of Memory or somethin. Im american so what the fuck do i know hehe.