Truly Bizarre. I came across this while looking for "Faerie" sites (ENCHANT-ing, isn't it?)...no offense about the faerie reference...
Ted, my God...how ARE you?
CONGRATS on your baby boy!!! My son's name is sort of a sound-alike...Kei (like Kyle without the LLLLL) Evan.
How is everyone...do you even have any contact with any of THEM anymore? Kit, Dan, your ex-drummer...thanks for not saying MY NAME at least, ya big jerk! How's Travis?
<shrugging shoulders>
What to say...?
Anyway...have fun trying to get rest with the new little guy (I hope he's a good sleeper!)...my best to your wife (do EVERYTHING for her with a SMILE, mister!! Childbirth is NOT kind!) and family.
Maybe we can chat sometime.
Take Care.