To the band: ALBUM!!


Lord of Mediocraty
Jul 8, 2003
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To the band:

It's about time you got into the fucking studio to produce another quality album for your starving fans!!! I have great expectations for you guys and I know we will not be denied more kick ass music by one of the greatest bands on the planet. COME TO PENSACOLA, FL when you tour DAMN IT!! You guys fucking rock!!! I can't wait for this new shit to be started and finished. Rock on!!
nataservant said:
To the band:

It's about time you got into the fucking studio to produce another quality album for your starving fans!!! I have great expectations for you guys and I know we will not be denied more kick ass music by one of the greatest bands on the planet. COME TO PENSACOLA, FL when you tour DAMN IT!! You guys fucking rock!!! I can't wait for this new shit to be started and finished. Rock on!!

HOW ABOUT.... You stick a cock in your mouth instead of making a stupid comment. Careface... CAREFACE =l
If we look at what all the male posters on here say to each other daily, I think you'll find that 80% of them wouldn't mind having your cock filling their oral cavities.
Dead_Lioness said:
people on this board should really stop bashing every new "fan" who joins in...
its getting old.

anyhoo- agreed with NecroMunchkin, only without the "wally" name.
bad name. bad !
why does everyone call him that? he said a few times he hated that name...
and not particularly dumb, just hated but who gives a fuck... I'm not here to please.

I wouldn't call myself a new fan of Nevermore seeing as I have all their albums, been listening to them since the release of DNB in '99 and I also have the 2 Sanctuary albums Dane put out before Nevermore.