To the brazilian people here


Living Fetus
Sep 4, 2003
Mamma's womb
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Hey! I was wondering if any of you guys play capoeira. I'm considering to start with capoeira in January, and as I've heard that...
Brazil = Football + Samba + Children Of Bodom + Capoeira (in no particular order)
...I thought you could tell me about your experience, if I should try and why, if I risk to break my neck, if I can be evil and wear black trousers ans t-shirt while playing and so on... :D
Hmm.. my brothers uses to practice it, and they always tryed to get me there in their classes, I went once but I don't have the " ginga" I'd rather to practice another kind of martial art :p but well, it's very interesting and good to health, 'cause it works with all your muscles and the best part.. motor coordination. I like it very much, but it's not for me, is a think which I like to stand and watch, very interesting movements!

It's secure to do, you will only break your neck if your instructor is a dumb and teach you how to do that really difficult movements in the first class!:D
Thank you guys! What I liked most about it is tthat peoplpe who practise it seem to have fun and there is no much competition shit. They actually got kinda pissed when someone was "jogando duro"(????????)(this is portuñol!)

What's "ginga" BTW??

@Tut: hard work????? You killed me with that!! :p I think I made my mind and I'm gonna choose... chess? :lol:
_Quarantine_ said:
What's "ginga" BTW??

@Tut: hard work????? You killed me with that!! :p I think I made my mind and I'm gonna choose... chess? :lol:

ginga would be like the "idle" position of capoeira, except that you do body movements (so it's not exactally idle.... well, anyway :lol: )

well, if you are an ogre and lazy (like me) you can develop your own martial arts, that basically is all about kicking in the nuts, crushing heads on walls and etc :D
yeah I played capoeira some time ago. it's damn cool =D but if you wanna play like the teachers, or masters, if you wanna reach their level, you gotta work hard, differently from what i did... i gave up playing capoeira as i gave up from fighting judo, and i regret from doing that...
Well I'll just check it a few months and then decide if I like it. But I've never seen a female master anyways (?)

It's becoming damn popular in Norway lately, specially among girls. But after what I've heard from you guys I don't believe it's as popular as I thought in Brazil?
_Quarantine_ said:
Well I'll just check it a few months and then decide if I like it. But I've never seen a female master anyways (?)

It's becoming damn popular in Norway lately, specially among girls. But after what I've heard from you guys I don't believe it's as popular as I thought in Brazil?

well, actually it's pretty popular, but it may sound to people outside brazil it's supposed to be more popular than it really is :D
_Quarantine_ said:
Well I'll just check it a few months and then decide if I like it. But I've never seen a female master anyways (?)

It's becoming damn popular in Norway lately, specially among girls. But after what I've heard from you guys I don't believe it's as popular as I thought in Brazil?

it is popular, but it depends on the region.. I think at the northeast part of the country it's more common to see "capoeiristas"..
the south of Brazil tryes to copy the european way of life ( just tryes! haha), maybe tha'ts the reason why here at my state it isn't so common to have.
I used to know a girl which is a master at capoeira.. but you're right.. is very difficult to see...