To The Dope:


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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Peer pressure, maaaaaaaan. Caaaaaave in. What's the doo-hickey-ma-deal with praising me, and then backing down when some Pop Tarts insult my mother like that? What you said about me was valid. I AM pretty damned cool, and not only because I post on the Maudlin of the Well Forum, but also because I refuse to get glasses even though my vision's failing. If you think that I'm a Hero, say it loud. Say it Proud! My mama always told me, life is like a box of chocolates: if you don't eat them, you will be hungry a little after dinner. Watch out for that trumpet player--he has a secret weapon up his sleeve. Come out, come out, little canary, I am a fearsome warrior..... testing for Ech-OoOoOoO?
While you may be a swell guy, I'm afraid I was a bit overzealous in my assertion that you were the new Ecto. I was met with the same outrage as the Beatles when they proclaimed they were bigger than Jesus. I realised the error of my ways and repented. Still, that doesn't mean you aren't a grand poster. Nobody yet, however, has been able to match Ecto's distinctive style.