To The Gallows

I did the first riff and intro-solo for To The Gallows in powertab, but lazyness overcome my motivation so I stopped.
here's what i came with for to the gallows, for guitar 1



you can play the riff at diferent places, sounds the same. the song sounds in d tuned (and several other kalmah songs are d tuned.)
didnt work on the rest of the song tho.
i tabbed tordah's first 2 mins and principle hero almost everything till the solo for guitar pro if anyone wants those. might give to the gallows a shot if im free one day.
For gods sakes it doesn`t sound the same if you play it elsewhere. It may have same notes but the sound is all about the real way to play it. As I said this is how it starts and I might now it because I have played it couple of times...

D -------5-----------7----5-----
A ---------7--------------------
E -0-0-7-------0-0-8--8-7--7---

If You tab it out differently You have gone wrong...
omg :O ... *bows down in front of kalmah guitarist*

to sound correct with the tab you posted the guitar has to be down tuned, essentially every string down a steps (DGCFAD) and not regular tuning (EADGBE). it's all about how the guitar is tuned, the tab i did was with only the 6th string down tuned to D and not all the rest. srry for that :S
Antti do you start mindrust :

D ------2------3------6-----7----9-
A ----------------------------------
E --0-0---0-0-----0-0---0-0--0-0---


D -------------------------------------
A -----7------8------11-----12-----14
E -0-0----0-0-----0-0----0-0----0-0---


I wanna play it right, it's all about the sound :p
Was bored so i did a tab in 30 mins, covers roughly the first 30 or so seconds. My gp4 is only the demo version so it cuts at bar 24, so half of the first solo is there. Obviously there are mistakes, drums and bass and solo im guessing, but it should give everyone an idea what to play. Hope you like it :P

http://www.*************/files/hdd6/124291/Kalmah - To The Gallows.gp4

btw Deathx how the hell does this website work?? gave up trying to download the tab, theres no link or button to download!
Worked a bit on the 2nd part and corrected some stuff in the 1st part. The two files cover together the first 57 seconds of the song. Mistakes as always i guess...
damn slowing the song in wave using windows sound recorder helps AND kills you ear....

http://www.*************/files/hdd6/124291/Kalmah - To The Gallows.gp4

http://www.*************/files/hdd6/124291/Kalmah - To The Gallows2.gp4