To those who enjoy heavy metal as a whole, Biomechanical is the way to go

JayKeeley said:
Yeah, Nevermore fans should enjoy (but they're not complete rip-off clones like Communic). As with Nevermore, there's a Fear Factory vibe too. It's all very modern sounding, a hint of mechanical/industrial feel, polished and gleaming, and not a '59 Les Paul and vintage tube amp in sight....

I'd say it's closer to FF than Nevermore gets, which is not a compliment coming from me, I do agree about them being more difficult to categorize...the first impression I got from them was of a more melodically restrained SYL...
Demonspell said:
I'd say it's closer to FF than Nevermore gets, which is not a compliment coming from me, I do agree about them being more difficult to categorize...the first impression I got from them was of a more melodically restrained SYL...
guh?! wtf? SYL never came in my mind anytime I listened to them. Maybe you like Devin a little bit too much?
AsModEe said:
guh?! wtf? SYL never came in my mind anytime I listened to them. Maybe you like Devin a little bit too much?

Y'a rien en commun entre les deux groupes musicalement parlant je suis d'accord mais les deux font une musique très 'chargée' , dynamique , sorte de melting pot modernes de différents courants metalliques. C'est sûrement à ça qu'il faisait allusion [/flemme d'écrire en anglisheuh :D]
Dev said:
Y'a rien en commun entre les deux groupes musicalement parlant je suis d'accord mais les deux font une musique très 'chargée' , dynamique , sorte de melting pot modernes de différents courants metalliques. C'est sûrement à ça qu'il faisait allusion [/flemme d'écrire en anglisheuh :D]
ahah sur le coup j'étais étonné de voir du français. Ouais je suis d'accord que les 2 groupes sont très chargés, mais on s'entend que Biomechanical ont rien à envier à SYL musicalement et surtout au niveau des paroles. Ils sont plus constants dans leur musique aussi, SYL on peut s'attendre autant à des chef d'oeuvres qu'à des navets. La chanson que j'ai uploader peut donner impression à ceux qui n'ont jamais écouter le groupe qu'ils ont beaucoup de choses en commun à SYL, mais quand on écoute l'album en entier, on voit qu'ils sont aussi très différents. Mais bref, si ce que tu as dit est ce qu'il voulait dire, je ne le contredirai pas, il y a en effet une ressemblance au niveau du genre.
AsModEe said:
guh?! wtf? SYL never came in my mind anytime I listened to them. Maybe you like Devin a little bit too much?

Possibly, but if you look up my comments in previous Devin threads, it's obvious that I prefer his solo albums, and any similarities Biomechanical has with them are likely coincidental...I see them compared with Pantera a lot, and I don't hear it.
Demonspell said:
Possibly, but if you look up my comments in previous Devin threads, it's obvious that I prefer his solo albums, and any similarities Biomechanical has with them are likely coincidental...I see them compared with Pantera a lot, and I don't hear it.
too bad you can't read french, I actually said I agreed with some of what you said
AsModEe said:
I uploaded one other song for you guys, this one is the fastest they've done and calling this power metal is simply gay and lying
not power metal, definitely...but it just doesn't interest's fast but speed alone a good song does not make. vocalist sounds a bit like phil anselmo at times, not in his favoUr. right around the 2 minute mark is pretty cool though, up through the solo, i can see the appeal. too generic imho, but power metal-derived stuff has never been a favorite of mine. at least into eternity is catchy.