to Xuxa and the rest of the hungarians...

...But if you want sex in Sweden or Singapore, you may be disappointed. Swedes chalk up a below-average score of 102 times a year, while Singaporeans only manage 96...

Go Sweden go!

102 times??? Sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much! :lol:
Torgoth said:
Hungarian lovers enjoy sex 152 times a year.
That means less than every second day. Not much to me. :p
Well if you live in a long term relationship and still maintain this 152 times a year, that's pretty much.
child_of_bodom666 said: become habbit afterall then. but usually it turns into sex every few months...which sux...why is this world cruel? sex is healthy, why girls means its boring and bla bla...I meant after a long time in relationship :p
That might be true in some relationships, but I've been with my husband for 10 years now :yow: and I'm not complaining ;)
We're still very active...
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