to Xuxa and the rest of the hungarians...

Tut Ankh Amon said:
@janina: 10 years?! damn!
**reps janina for the patience with her man! :lol: **
Well, you know, it's that damn amazing sex, that has kept us together all these years :grin:
And I'm not the one, who needs patience... :rolleyes:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
you really thought i don't know that? :lol: :p
So why did say that in the first place..? :rolleyes:

Oh well, I guess it's time to have a few rounds with my private slav... erm, I mean husband, now ;)
See ya'll later! :wave:
haha...mentioned the survey in the intro but didnt mention that hungarians were #1...maybe he was trying to keep him from having his was with the audience? lol