Today I learned the lesson "You Snooze You Loose"


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I missed out on this Ibanez Prestige RG (guy did a spray can repaint on the body) and Prestige hard shell case because I waited an hour longer than I should have to get back to the guy selling it. I was ready to call back the guy and go get it and someone else swiped it up. He needed fast cash and it was on a "whoever comes with cash first gets it" kind of deal



How much did he want for it?


Moral of the story: When you see deals, GET EM
i can't ever get my friends/family to understand why i need a ride RIGHT NOW to get that fucking deal. i almost got a fender prosonic for like $200 but girlfriend hesitated and blew the fucking deal (price went to $700).