Today I worked a classical recording...

Dec 28, 2002
Today I worked a classical recording with a very skilled professional player with a very impressive resume......And we tracked it 3 BARS AT A TIME. Seriously. Ten takes of every three bar section until all 197 bars were done. No one should complain about the editing in pop ever again.
Feel free to discuss.
One of my friends is the managing director for a classical studio/label and its crazy the amount of edits he said they would normally do on one record.
It was a soloist and he chose the method. He never got frustrated or made any significant mistakes and he self-edited-- telling us which takes he liked after he did them so we could mark them. It's worth noting it was a modern and technical piece of music. He was a great player and a true professional and I don't want to imply otherwise. But it was crazy and it was clearly a way that he has worked many times before.
woah dude thats crazy, the only near classical thing i have assisted on was like a 50 peice brass band and we did everything live in a little church that had amazing acoustics, but three bars at a time? and he chose the method, fuck thats some serious disicpline
since this stuff is probably even more about expression, it doesn't surprise me if a player who discovered a method of getting the best take, works like this.
"3 bar takes" indeed sounds a bit exaggerated, though.
The most amazing thing is you worked with someone that was not only able and willing to but inclined to do that many takes to achieve the end result that he wanted. That kind of drive is almost unheard of when recording most metal bands.