Today is a good day...

Holy shit! that rocks. Sustainer pickups are Awesome! It looks excellent. Hopefully we'll get to hear it soon?
ps..can i have your old guitar?
Congrats Anders. Nice piece of work. One could always nitpick about it not being carved top, but if you like it the way it is, fine! Maltese Cross inlays on knobs was a nice touch.

[whine]Now, stop admiring your new guitar and start writing us some official guitar tabs! :D[/whine]
nice... looks awesome.
maltesers and matt black.. cant go wrong :)
the back looks just like the ibanez SR bass though. (which, infact, is darker than this pic shows..)

on a sidenote..
i have never seen anything nor any pic of your "old" custom guitar.. the custom crome... cant remember the brand, but you anounced it on
could you please show pics/specs of that one also? :)
it looked so good in black and white on the page..
I like the details, very nice colour and I guess the sound will be excellent!
What a great present to start the new year!
We expect to see you live playing with this!*thinking about making lots of pics..*