Today is the 20th anniversary of The Triumph of Steel


Not For Wimps
Jun 29, 2006
North From Here
Today is the 20th anniversary of the release of Manowar's The Triumph of Steel. Let us celebrate this holy day by sharing our thoughts on this classic album.

It's an important album for me personally because it was the first traditional metal album I ever heard. Back then I'd heard thrash metal and the groove/alternative stuff that was popular at the time, but this was my first full album of true metal. I was in high school then, and everyone I knew who was into metal knew this album. Nobody was into Priest or Maiden, but they all liked The Triumph of Steel. Manowar deserves a lot more credit than they get for keeping metal alive in the mid '90s.

"Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts" - When I first heard this, it completely blew my mind that a band would write a 30 minute song. I thought the only pieces of music that long were classical works. (Back then, I didn't know anything about progressive rock, other than it was something the Ramones didn't like.) Allegedly, they wrote this song because their label wanted them to go grunge. Nobody tells a man how to play!

"Metal Warriors" - The metal anthem to end all metal anthems. Plus, it added the phrase "Leave the hall" to the heavy metal lexicon.

"Ride the Dragon" - A killer fast song. Some unforgettable lines here, like "Into the fire with your soul!" and "The Gates of Hell are open! Let me in!"

"Spirit Horse of the Cherokee" - Manowar has a repuation as a meathead band, but I think this song is a lot more serious than Iron Maiden's and Anthrax's songs about Indians. It's probably better than Slough Feg's, too.

"Burning" - My least favorite song on here because it's the slowest (besides the ballad), but in no way is this a filler track.

"The Power of Thy Sword" - Heroic fantasy power metal done in the best possible way. The vocal arrangements at the end are nothing short of amazing, as good as anything Blind Guardian ever came up with.

"The Demon's Whip" - Another slower song which goes on a little too long, but when it speeds up at the end, it's incredible.

"Master of the Wind" - One of the best ballads ever. I've only recently realized how much orchestration there is here. DeMaio probably had Wagner in mind when he wrote this. A majestic way to end the album.

Dust off your copy and give it another spin today, and share your thoughts here. Unless, of course, you don't like it, in which case you can... LEAVE THE HALL!
Sorry Dave,
This is one of my lease fav albums of theirs.
I would have to comb my collection to see if I even still own it.

I would even pick Warriors of the World with all its filler over this one.

Honestly, you are one of the only folks I can ever recall praising this album.

Hey, I am not knocking you for it. Just an observation.

There are a few not-as-popular-albums-by-well-known-bands that I would defend as well:
Helloween - Pink Bubbles
Motorhead - Another Perfect Day
Nightwish - Once
Listen Jeremy................

The majority of longtime NW fans despise that album, at least from most things I have read.

I mean DragonForce's Inhuman Rampage received huge sales and critical acclaim as well too.
That doesn't mean it was well received by their older fans.

Well, whatever. Its my fav album of theirs.
I don't ever recall Once getting criticized. DPP? Yes but not Once. I guess I could see how some hardcore fans might, but while a different direction, it still is pretty similar to their past albums.

I actually like Inhuman Rampage. I'll admit it got me into the band. My only bitching about Dragonforce is I would've rather a different power metal band get that popular, but we should be happy for what we get I suppose.
Inhuman Rampage brought Dragonforce to a higher popularity but what made them super famous was guitar hero, still havent beaten Through the Fire and the Flames on expert! However this album overall is alright, was the beginning of their downfall. Then they came out with that awful album, what was it called? OH yes Ultra Beatoff. Their first 2 albums were great i loved Sonic Firestorm, great album all around. And then their new album The Power Within is fantastic, on of my favorite albums of this year and a fantastic new singer in Marc Hudson.
Listen Jeremy................

The majority of longtime NW fans despise that album, at least from most things I have read.

I mean DragonForce's Inhuman Rampage received huge sales and critical acclaim as well too.
That doesn't mean it was well received by their older fans.

Well, whatever. Its my fav album of theirs.

It's my favorite NW album too. Granted I don't spend any time in Nightwish forums, so maybe I missed all the hate, but the average rating on Amazon over 350 or so reviews is 4-stars (including the 5 I gave it).

Inhuman Rampage is probably my favorite of the DF albums too, but that's not saying much.
Yeah, I like IR too. Maybe it wasn't the best example, but I think you guys got my point.

I am no NW expert either. I seem to recall many longtime fans thinking the album was too polished.
I start a thread about Manowar and everyone's talking about Nightwish and Dragonforce! You guys are hopeless.

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... I think Once is a piece of shit and it's their worst album up to that point. I've never heard anything they put out since. There are a couple of ok songs at the beginning, but it's mostly bland, forgettable pablum. The only Nightwish album I still like is the first one, because it actually has heavy guitars.
Dave, you and I have spent many hours discussing MANOWAR.
You know I love them, but this just honestly isn't a highlight in their career for me.

I also have MAJOR bones to pick with MANOWAR.

They had the opportunity to lead the underground metal revolution here in the States in the late 90s through today.
Instead they focused solely on where the $$$$ is, in Europe.

Sure, there have been a handful of bigger US bands like Iced Earth and Symphony X who have been able to tour during this time.

Even so, the majority of these tours had European co-headliners and what not.

I think MANOWAR has not been a responsible US metal band, though I am sure they hardly consider themselves a US band so I doubt they care any less.
I start a thread about Manowar and everyone's talking about Nightwish and Dragonforce! You guys are hopeless.

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... I think Once is a piece of shit and it's their worst album up to that point. I've never heard anything they put out since. There are a couple of ok songs at the beginning, but it's mostly bland, forgettable pablum. The only Nightwish album I still like is the first one, because it actually has heavy guitars.

The song Ghost Love Score alone is better than their entire catalog before or since.
Dave, you and I have spent many hours discussing MANOWAR.
You know I love them, but this just honestly isn't a highlight in their career for me.

I also have MAJOR bones to pick with MANOWAR.

They had the opportunity to lead the underground metal revolution here in the States in the late 90s through today.
Instead they focused solely on where the $$$$ is, in Europe.

Sure, there have been a handful of bigger US bands like Iced Earth and Symphony X who have been able to tour during this time.

Even so, the majority of these tours had European co-headliners and what not.

I think MANOWAR has not been a responsible US metal band, though I am sure they hardly consider themselves a US band so I doubt they care any less.

So what do you think they should have done? Tour the US more? I can't blame them if they don't want to play tiny clubs here all the time when they could be playing arenas in Europe, Japan and South America.