Today is the 20th anniversary of The Triumph of Steel

So what do you think they should have done? Tour the US more? I can't blame them if they don't want to play tiny clubs here all the time when they could be playing arenas in Europe, Japan and South America.

Yes, exactly!
Trust me, most of my fav bands perform more overseas than here in the States. I get it. Why tour the US for a month when you can make more money getting an all expense paid trip to Europe to perform one gig.

They just had the opportunity to help bring classic metal back a bit more here in the States in the late 90s when they got more active again, at the time our touring circuit was saturated with COB, In Flames, Arch Enemy, etc, etc.....

I think there would be a lot more newer US trad metal bands on bigger labels had that been the case.

I know MANOWAR hardly considers themselves a US band anyhow, so I shouldn't really dwell on it too much.
LOL - too funny..... OK, glad I know now for sure that I don't have it.
If you love the album so much why did you sell it?

Because I bought a copy in 1994 and I don't need two.

They just had the opportunity to help bring classic metal back a bit more here in the States in the late 90s when they got more active again, at the time our touring circuit was saturated with COB, In Flames, Arch Enemy, etc, etc.....

I think there would be a lot more newer US trad metal bands on bigger labels had that been the case.

I'm not so sure about that, and even if that had happened, I'm not sure that would be such a great thing anyway. Besides, it's not Manowar's obligation to do charity work for the scene.