Tolkien - The Two Towers

that's my only reaction.. it's sad to see how stupid people can be, i don't consider myself to be brilliant, but it makes me angry, especially now that i'm reading some chilean metal forums. pathetic.
hahahahahaha the guy who made the petition has never even read tolkien,he doesn't even know who tolkien is
I bet he thinks he is such a lord of the rings expert because he saw the first movie.
damn I hate that kinda people
I remember I went to the premiere(had to sell my soul to get the tickets)and when I came out I heard all this dumbfucks saying: he did you know there are books? I am gonna buy the second one to see what the movie is gonna be about
I wanted to have a gun and kill them
I can´t understand people bothering about the title of a book, written about 50 years ago, which has absolutely nothing to do with the attacks! Yesterday I went to a bookshop and saw that they were selling books "the world trade center" to an absolutely ridiculous price. I mean, no one would ask the "World Trade Organisation" to rename itself? What´s the difference?
Originally posted by manuelgv
hahahahahaha the guy who made the petition has never even read tolkien,he doesn't even know who tolkien is
I bet he thinks he is such a lord of the rings expert because he saw the first movie.
damn I hate that kinda people
I remember I went to the premiere(had to sell my soul to get the tickets)and when I came out I heard all this dumbfucks saying: he did you know there are books? I am gonna buy the second one to see what the movie is gonna be about
I wanted to have a gun and kill them

at the end of the movie some stupid fuck behind me said:"What? that's it? that can't be all! there has to be a sequel!" i was amazed at how silly some people are!
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH man!! I say just one word on the topic!!


mr V
I'll Re-Phrase:


mr V

On the next album we'll have a track about the stupidity of religion, working title for the track are "Artifacts of Chaos" my emotions towards religion are quite obvious, ?

mr V
As I mentioned before, the whole idea is utterly pathetic, but I have my doubts about whether that petition was ever serious. It looks like a great big (and not very funny) joke to me.
People can't really be that stupid.
(Can they?)
Me too, me too!

As for the petition... :lol: at the comments from ppl that signed!

-phyros ( will see TTT at the premiere too )