This Petition Is So Funny

Hmm - already saw that in another thread... oh well....
I'll tell you that I think here too: that shit is PATHETIC!
Oversensitive *1000.
1079. Paul Shrug I, too, was galled, shocked and disoriented upon learning of the cynically crass title of Mr. Jackson's new film. I would also like to start a petition to rename Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report" because of its blatant insult to people of color. Also, the upcoming film "About A Boy" is a clear endorsement of pedophilia. I am also deeple troubled at the subtitle of the new "Star Wars" installement, "Attack of the Clones." This scandalous title is a none-too-subtle implication that scientifically duplicated humans or other animals are violent and hostile in nature -- clearly an affront to copied citizens everywhere. We shall make no progress until Hollywood stems its insensitivity to those factions of society it chooses not to understand. As an avid filmgoer, I shall shed many tears until these senseless titles cease.

ahahaha. Best.
Someone should start the "End Canadian Soveriegnity" petition....ahahahaha

"They really know they are America II, so let's dispense with the formalities- THe Undersigned"