Petition: An All Metal Video Channel


New Metal Member
Jan 17, 2005
Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing okay today. :wave: I am a big time 80s metal. I was a faithful Headbangers Ball watcher, every Saturday night. I would not miss it for the world. And gosh how I miss the music and I guess you can say that "We're not gonna take it, anymore!"-ts. I am one of the leaders currently supporting a campaign for an exclusive heavy metal video channel. Our goal is to achieve an outlet where our metal artists no longer have to fight the industry to get their music heard. We are pushing for a Vh1 Metal Mania sister channel.

We have (8) artists and (1) radio show host that have signed so far. Hairball John has added the link to his site and will be announcing it at upcoming shows. :tickled: I have been in contact with just about all of our major labels. But in order for the Labels to get involved, we must show them that the demand is here.

That petition is the short version. Most people don’t care to read the (4) page Final. But if you would like, let me know and I will be glad to post the link

**Be sure to put something really juicy in the comments section. ;) The big dogs at our major labels are out there reading what people are saying. Believe me, those comments help more than anything.

Okay, so here is the link that will take you directly to the petition to sign:

Campaign Leaders,
-John & Lynne
“Not for you. Not for me. But for us.”-ra
Contact info:
Artist’s signatures are only valid upon confirmation received from their webmasters, managers or other reliable sources.
Is Kerrang on sky not bad enough ???? :Puke: Another channel that plays only all that nu-metal shit and whatever else is popular and then throws in 'Enter Sandman' from time to time is prolly the best we could hope for! :) TV rots your brains anyway guys :loco: lol

btw. I hate Enter Sandman lol
Actually, we are pushing for a channel that will allow these guys to get their NEW music heard. Many bands are reuniting and going for round 2. One artist management proposed a good idea. Our past artist could take DVD footage and have that put into music video format. Those videos could be played in rotation on our channel. We are looking for an outlet that not only plays the older music that we love, but also a chance for us to hear their new music.

I can't deny that John is pushing for the Nu Metal to be added. He is drawing the line with Rap. So, no Linkin Park, No Slipknot. I don't listen to it, so I don't know the bands out now. I haven't listened to the radio in over 10 yrs! If I had my way, there would be No Nu Metal at all, but he feels this needs to be a home for ALL metal fans. However, I promise you that it will not become ALL nu-metal crap like Kerrang or the Nu Headbanger's Ball. My ultimate goal is to give our PAST artist the opportunity and an outlet to get their NEW music heard.

valanx, I don't have Kerrang but I have heard a lot of BAD about it. What exactly do they play? Is it technically "Nu Metal"? Is it "Death Metal?" I don't listen to these new groups so I don't know what is being played now. The first time I watched HBB on MTV2 it was bands that screamed and they did not sing. It had no melody, no rythmn, no nothing. I didn't like it. I guess what I am trying to figure out is what is wrong with the Nu Metal? I have heard Slipknot... and I don't do RAP. None...zilch. But I have heard Papa Roach and Hoobastank (?) - one song of each actually, and I could stomach it as long as it was not an ALL day thing. I know what I don't like about the new stuff. The lack of guitar playing. Heavy Metal is known for its infamous guitar solos. So what actually does Kerrang cater to? Is it more like "scream your head off don't know what I am saying" or is it more like "Papa Roach and Hoobastank" who sing but don't play much guitar?

I am trying to win John over but right now he is adamant about having all metal to be played (with the exception to rap/metal). I feel much like you (or at least I think I do) and I don't want the new stuff added. They have a home. They have Kerrang, the new HBB...hell, they have MTV. Our guys have nothing. My goal all along was to achieve an outlet for our past artist so we could hear their old and then have their new music added also. I wanted our channel to cater to all the bands that we grew up on watching Headbanger's Ball. Maybe I am living in the past, but that was my ultimate goal. I am not going to fight for a channel that is going to be over powered by a bunch of new metal. So, I have withdrew myself from the campaign. I am no longer a leader as of (2) hours ago, or whenever I put that last post up. Trying to respond to that was hard. I can't fight for something that I don't believe in and I am sure my lack of convincing and tone was evident. So, John is now on his own. I am on over 30+ boards right now and I think I have a pretty good idea of what people want to see and hear. But John feels he can bring both these genres under one roof and make it a happy little home. I don't think he can because he is not out here reading what I am reading.

I am sorry. I did not mean to carry on and on like this. I just wanted to get some insight on that channel.


No problem, i inparticular have a thing against kerrang anyway lol .. but to give you an idea of what it is like, i would and i am about to say:

Basically its lots of what people call 'skate Rock' er... i dont really know many by name but its bands the 'The Offspring' whom everyone i know in 'my world' despises! Then you have the commercial 'nu-metal' like linkin park (who believe it or not .. NOT everyone wants to hear...again and again and again!) then stuff like papa roach, slipknot and the alike (the very alike!) some times and this is most insulting a METAL classic is thrown in....usually 'Run to the hills' or whatever.....But the worst and single most annoying part (rubbish music videos aside) is the lack of variation in the playlist, ok so if you gonna play skate crap play it , but not the same songs a couple of times an hour, know what i mean?

Also the over the top ammount of useless pathetic advertising really kills what little is left!

Dont get me wrong, im not against the idea of a Rock or Metal channel but with kerrang all i see is an idea that has been exploited.

I hear what your saying on the lack of technical guitar work and solos etc. with the nu-metal, i check out practically every new band that comes along because as a guitarist i like to keep up with the scene's and keep my playing fresh etc. Recent bands make songs out of riffs real musicians wouldnt even consider warm up material ! Yet i could name so many European bands who are amazing musicians from Hard Rock to Black Metal and these bands are practically ignored by the likes of kerrang, thats also very frustrating!

The great bands are out there, but they are just not signed by big money american record labels you see!

Anyway i could go on all day....but i wont!
Hope that has helped in some way! Thanks!

Oh yeah i had to add this:
Ive even seen that bastard Eminem's videos on kerrang!!!! I mean WTF!!
Channels like Kerrang and Scuzz are phone in channels (supposedly), so all you have to do is phone in for whatever you want to see. Funny how it is always the same songs time and time again though isn't it? I would never phone up Kerrang or Scuzz because it is obvious that they just play what they want to play, and not what is asked for. Or more likely, what they have been paid to play. So if this new channel is going to be like that, forget it.
OMG!!! EMI!!! I think that was the nail in the coffin. My god, why don't they just add Britany and JLo on there and call them Heavy Metal.

Paxoman: I am glad you told me that. I knew Fuse was more like a viewers choice and they are highly talked about. But Scuzz was another that I have heard nothing but BAD things about. I think you hit the nail on the head with "That's what they are getting paid to play." I had (past tense) been talking with our Labels and trying to win their support. The DVD idea was cool, but again, if it is going to be over powered by a bunch of new metal, then there is no since in fighting. You are right. It will turn out exactly the same. I have [8] artists that have signed that petition. SI from Anthrax is on his way to signing also. It is these guys who this fight has been for. They know that and that is why they are signing their support. It's not the Nu Metal artist that are signing. Our guys are NEVER given a fair shot.

I'm bummed. : (

Lynne said:
OMG!!! EMI!!! I think that was the nail in the coffin. My god, why don't they just add Britany and JLo on there and call them Heavy Metal.

Paxoman: I am glad you told me that. I knew Fuse was more like a viewers choice and they are highly talked about. But Scuzz was another that I have heard nothing but BAD things about. I think you hit the nail on the head with "That's what they are getting paid to play." I had (past tense) been talking with our Labels and trying to win their support. The DVD idea was cool, but again, if it is going to be over powered by a bunch of new metal, then there is no since in fighting. You are right. It will turn out exactly the same. I have [8] artists that have signed that petition. SI from Anthrax is on his way to signing also. It is these guys who this fight has been for. They know that and that is why they are signing their support. It's not the Nu Metal artist that are signing. Our guys are NEVER given a fair shot.

I'm bummed. : (

Hi guys! John has technically been fired as one of the leaders of the campaign. Looks like I am now steering the boat. I think he is going to close that one petition. Fine with me. I will put out my own. Over 400+ of those siggys are mine along with the artists signatures. We can get them back. If I say "NO NU METAL!!!!!" Would you guys sign?????

Lynne - Yeah I would definitely sign if it was no nu metal. Not that I dislike nu metal, some of it is quite good. I actually like Papa Roach, and even like Linkin Park, but there is a home for that kind of music, but there is nothing for good old fashioned heavy metal. Scuzz was meant to be for rock/heavy metal music, but it hardly plays that kind of music now. It is a great idea that you are trying to do Lynne, and I hope you get it off the ground, and it is the way we all want it to be. Good luck.
Paxoman: I thank you so much. This has been devastating. John had his tantrum and closed the old petition. 720+ siggys. However, I know what I was fighting for and I stand firm on that. This campaign has been a fight for guys such as Saxon. I want to hear their OLD AND their NEW music. Not to mention, we ALL know that music videos are one of the biggest ways to promote an artist and their music. I received an email from George Lynch this morning. He signed #5 on the new peititon. That is confirmed. I know we are going to need to have new music and groups added to the channel in order for the genre to survive. But why does it have to be "nu-metal?" Like someone else said, there are many outstanding groups out here, metal groups that represent what true heavy metal is. This channel could be their outlet also. Who knows, this channel may bring a resurge of true heavy metal bands into the making to where we don't have to listen to rap/hip-hop everytime we turn around. I will go ahead and post the link to the new petition for the ones interested in signing.

Please guys, for the ones that don't care, keep the yawns and cruel remarks to a minimal. This has been devastating for me. I have spent 15-20 hr/day working on this campaign and they nearly put me in the hospital from over exhaustion. I fear trying to carry this thing through again from scratch will put me there for good. I need encouragement more than anything right now. If you can't offer that, then please, just leave it be.

Here is the link to the new petition. A Vh1 Metal Mania Channel with No Nu Metal:

Let me know if you have trouble getting to that.

Lynne - I have signed the petition. I'm sure everyone on here is behind you, after all, we all want the same thing at the end of the day. For what it is worth, I think you did the right thing in pulling out of the petition with John. What is the point in fighting for something that you don't truly believe in? Good luck with this petition, and try not to let it get the better of you!