Tom Hess joins Rhapsody of Fire, new song for download


Jack Nippleson
May 13, 2007

Tom Hess becomes Rhapsody's new official rhythm guitarist... no word about Dominique leaving or anything, even though he was only a live guitarist, but that's still odd, no word about him or anything!

New song Aeons of Raging Darkness up for download too... it's an interesting song, those vocals don't sound like Fabio at all, and I didn't like them on the first couple of listens but the more I hear it the more I like it. I'm going to try to not spoil the album though and stop listening... after one more play! Luca basically did everything guitar-wise when they weren't playing live...yup...sounds like him :) Wonder why only now they've decided to sign up a permanent rhythm guitarist...?

Cheeky download? I'm on it, cheers dude!