Toneport UX1?


Nov 13, 2008
hey guys, im looking at getting a Toneport UX1 b/c of the XLR-in and 1/4" out and it comes with the Pod Farm plugin which is was going to buy separate anyhow.

I'd like to be able to
1. Record DI (guitar and mic, both separate)
2. Reamp to a cab

I know I can accomplish #1, but I'm wondering about #2????
also, is there a better piece of hardware around that $150 price tag that will accomplish the same thing with better results?? thanks
Forget the toneport and especially pod farm dude, it's horribly outdated and digital sounding (yes, people can get great results out of it, but impulses still rule). Get yourself a Presonus Audiobox USB ($150), plug your guitar direct in, and use free ampsims and impulses! Here's a thread to get you in the loop on the latter:

There's a lot of suggestions in there, but after a fair bit of experimentation, the signal chain that works great for me is TSS --> Wagner Sharp MkII --> Voxengo Boogex. As for reamping, you'll need a reamp box for that, and they don't come cheap; here's two more threads to help with that:

Good luck!
If I want to replace my toneport for something better, what would be good?

I was thinking of a FMR Really Nice Preamp, is it good? But I'd also need a soundcard with this, and it start to be a bit out of budget...

The Edirol UA-25EX is a lot cheaper than buying a RNP plus a soundcard, is there a big difference between my toneport ux1 and the ua-25ex?

first off, huzzah to metaltastic to responding to my threads, you're the man!! :kickass: and i apologize for my belligerency, my friends just got back from college but anyhow\to clarify: I would be using cab impulses regardless. the signal chain I was thinking about would be Toneport UX1 -> Audacity (to record DI). then Reaper (with DI loaded) and an FX chain with pod farm for ampsim and kefir to load guitar hack impulses.

so for $150 im getting a box for mic (XLR) and guitar DI with an ampsim plugin in the UX1. you're saying using a free amp sim with this presonus thing would be better??? are the pod farm/gearbox amp sims really that crappy compared to the free ones and/or revalver/amplitude??????

also to clarify the reamping would only be for live sound (maybe i';m an idiot and thats a terrible idea, idk), and its not of super importance. its just so i have something temporary until I can afford the amp/cab combo I really want.

I also neglected to mention in my chain, for a tube screamer I use an old TS9 modded to an 808 (also have a TS10 and i believe an old TS7).

I really appreciate the help. thanks!! my dad wants to get me something music/recording related for christmas and im still not sure exactly what to tell him.
why don´t you track the DI on Reaper too instead of using Audacity?

I could and might, but i've used audacity for years and im super comfortable with it, while on the other hand I've used reaper only a handful of times.

As Metalstics said, people can get great results out of it, but usually needs a lot of tweaking. IMO there isn´t a GREAT amp sim on the market. At least not yet. Maybe the best option is to track your DIs and send it to a reamp service (there are plenty on this board) when you´re done.

Well, amps sims aside b/c i can always get the free ones, whats the advantage of getting something like that Presonus box compared to the Line 6 model? is the DI on through that box really superior to the UX1?

What? Like, for playback using a real amp on stage?!

yeah well I take it that was a retarded question. I want a rig where I can use my amp tones but using a real cab for jamming purposes, not like big live shows. I was just wondering if it accomplished that.
The Presonus definitely has better preamps, converters, and construction than the UX1, without a doubt!
Thanks for all the help guys. one more question and I promise I'll shutup, go buy it, and start recording lol

Can I still use my the amp sims and mic pre's from gearbox/pod farm with the Presonus audiobox or can I only use other/free software? if the latter is so, then are there any good software mic preamps (preferably equal or better to the line 6 models in pod farm) available for free/cheap like the free amp sims?
Line 6 is the only company I know of that offers the preamp modeling, but I wouldn't worry about that dude, pretty much because Line 6 is the only company I know that offers it, thus it probably isn't worth much! :loco: But in all seriousness, preamps are the place that transparency is the most important until you get pretty hi-end (where the coloration is actually desirable) I know, however, that you can get the Gearbox/Amp Farm/Pod Farm/GAY farm plugin and use it with any interface, but I would SO buy Revalver HP over that in a heartbeat (well, I'd actually buy the full version, but if your on a budget, HP is still better than Line 6 IMO)
right on, thanks! im off to Guitar center tomorrow and ill be back with that Presonus box, a sm57, and a new set of studio cans to monitor for real and not on crappy computer speakers.

Merry Christmas to me, thanks to my pops and gf! :kickass: and of course all you that helped!