

New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I give it five stars

We played a Lethal concert which rocked
Some punk band played a Maste rof pUppets Cover and we got up on stage to sing with them
We got drunk with one of our biggest fans
We were at this huge party thing where people burn shit and throw tvs out of windows and listen to hip hop and have outdoor concerts and whatnot
Mike ran away
I found someone's credit cardz and driving license on the floor
I stole someone's mobile phone cause he dropped it
I dunno what else
But it ruled
when I woke up there was blood al over and my hair was like a big clot of dried blood and I would really really like to know what the fuck happened last night. FIVE STARS! (AND we got the Lethal gig on digital video so you'll get to see it soon) Beer breakfast today, BBQ soon when I've washed some shitz and rested a bit
fotmbm said:
when I woke up there was blood al over and my hair was like a big clot of dried blood and I would really really like to know what the fuck happened last night. FIVE STARS! (AND we got the Lethal gig on digital video so you'll get to see it soon) Beer breakfast today, BBQ soon when I've washed some shitz and rested a bit

Our conversation last night was literally:

Me: Yo dude

You: dfjas;ldkfjL:DKJFSL:KJ

You: Fj:LKJ PasseodiajfoihjSOFA

Me: Your fucking rediuclous.

You: fodih

You: gaouirogl;kfjg4$#!
Tully: big day?
Tully: wasted?
Me: rehdl,'kö
Me: duno
Tully: sure hope your wasted, or else your just retarded
Me: >OIu
Me: pass out innsofa
Tully: what the fuck are you talking about?
Me: sieg heil
Tully: yea, seig heil. 14/88
Me: ä- iugo9 ,
Me: oi gopt lvbir virfop
Tully: your fucking rediculous dude
Tully: you gona fuckin pass out yet dude?
fotmbm said:
when I woke up there was blood al over and my hair was like a big clot of dried blood and I would really really like to know what the fuck happened last night. FIVE STARS! (AND we got the Lethal gig on digital video so you'll get to see it soon) Beer breakfast today, BBQ soon when I've washed some shitz and rested a bit

Motherfucker, we need video footage of how you got that blood over you. Hope you killed some emos, we were gonna do that tonight but I forgot :erk: OH SHIT!!!!!!! Clubs are closed, fuckers.....NEXT WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! :D I understand thats some annual thing or? Erik/Mike?


Hm, pretty intense :cool: