Tonight's Haul...

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Macabre - Murder Metal
Sunn O))) - Flight of the Behemoth
Sunn O))) - White1
Rush - Live in Rio
Buckethead - Electric Tears

Macabre is fuckin' awesome just as I would expect. Funny shit too. Crazy Bastards.

Sunn O))) ....Either you love em or hate....I love em. Especially after sparkin' one and cranking it up in the dark...fuckin A. White1 is better imo. Not for those who have a cunthair for attention span.

Rush...One of the greatest and most talented bands of all time. If you like Rush, this is a fan's wet dream. I haven't seen the dvd yet but I am predicting that it rules.

Buckethead's Electric Tears is a beautiful album. I wasn't expecting something this beautiful from Buckethead. Oooozes emotion.
E6V6I6L said:
Macabre is fucking great.

OK, OK, I cant' take it any more. Must check out Macabre. For the person who has not heard them before, what would be the recommended purchase?

I bought that Rush in Rio as well! It kicks ass! The second DVD is pretty cool! The documentary is pretty cool...

In addition I got:

Sepultura- Roorback
Radiohead- Kid A
George Harrison- Brainwashed
Rage Against the Machine- The Battle of Los Angeles
Angrafan said:
Radiohead- Kid A
Tremendous, ground-breaking release.

Gory Elephant...Check out either Murder Metal or Dahmer. If you like weird, schitzo, borderline spoof on serial killing metal, you will love em. Excellent musicianship as well I might add.
Zuthromax said:
where did you get these releases from? I've been looking for sunno stuff.
I usually get all of my stuff from a local record/novelty store called Newbury Comics which heavily supports th eunderground. They are only located in MA and RI unfortunately for others. You could probably find em online. Check out the Southern Lord website.

Evil Edith...ya, my favorite Radiohead release is OK Computer.