Tony MacAlpine Tour

If this tour comes near you, I highly recommend going. I've seen him twice this year, doing both "Maximum Security" and "Edge of Insanity," and both shows were excellent. Aquiles was crushing it when I saw them in August and watching Tony is an absolute pleasure.
I'll be there! Already have my ticket m/

Very cool, I'll check back in about a week and we'll have to meet up and have a beer or something - I've been waiting about 27 years to see this!!! *haha* MAXIMUM SECURITY is one of my absolute favorites from the "shred" genre, amazing...
If this tour comes near you, I highly recommend going. I've seen him twice this year, doing both "Maximum Security" and "Edge of Insanity," and both shows were excellent. Aquiles was crushing it when I saw them in August and watching Tony is an absolute pleasure.

Awesome - I was wondering how Tony is going to pull off all the stuff on MAXIMUM SECURITY; earlier this year he had Nili Brosh playing the rhythm parts and the trade-off solos originally done by George Lynch and Jeff Watson but it seems he just has a trio for the upcoming tour - plus there is always Chopin's Etude #4, Opus #10, I'm guessing he skips this? Going to be fantastic in any case!!!
Awesome - I was wondering how Tony is going to pull off all the stuff on MAXIMUM SECURITY; earlier this year he had Nili Brosh playing the rhythm parts and the trade-off solos originally done by George Lynch and Jeff Watson but it seems he just has a trio for the upcoming tour
No idea how he's handling the rhythm parts since Nili isn't on this tour, it has been a four piece every time I've seen him over the past few years so I'm actually a bit curious how it comes off as a trio.

- plus there is always Chopin's Etude #4, Opus #10, I'm guessing he skips this? Going to be fantastic in any case!!!
He didn't skip it in Ramona, he had both a piano and a keyboard and sat down at the piano to play it. Watching him switch effortlessly between guitar and piano - and being tremendously talented at both - was a nice reminder that no matter how much effort you put into practicing musical instruments, some people are just far, far better at it. :lol:
No idea how he's handling the rhythm parts since Nili isn't on this tour, it has been a four piece every time I've seen him over the past few years so I'm actually a bit curious how it comes off as a trio.

He didn't skip it in Ramona, he had both a piano and a keyboard and sat down at the piano to play it. Watching him switch effortlessly between guitar and piano - and being tremendously talented at both - was a nice reminder that no matter how much effort you put into practicing musical instruments, some people are just far, far better at it. :lol:

Yeah man, I'm right with ya - some people say it's just hard work that makes a great musician but when it comes to the level of a Tony MacAlpine I just have to think he was born with that kind of talent; of course he painstakingly developed his style but I really think guys like him are born with that potential, not everyone is...
Saw this show last night in KC (small club, only about 40 people attending), and it was outstanding.... my first time witnessing the blazing speed of MacAlpine. He was using a lot of pre-recorded backing tracks for keyboard/harmony parts, although he did play a little bit of keyboard too. Aquiles on drums is worth the price of adminssion alone.

As already mentioned, don't skip the opening band LoNero...they sold me very quickly, and I hadn't heard a peep from them previously. Triple guitar attack and all 3 guys can rip. Very highly recommended.
Saw this show last night in KC (small club, only about 40 people attending), and it was outstanding.... my first time witnessing the blazing speed of MacAlpine. He was using a lot of pre-recorded backing tracks for keyboard/harmony parts, although he did play a little bit of keyboard too. Aquiles on drums is worth the price of adminssion alone.

As already mentioned, don't skip the opening band LoNero...they sold me very quickly, and I hadn't heard a peep from them previously. Triple guitar attack and all 3 guys can rip. Very highly recommended.

Thanks much for the review Scott, I was wondering how he was going to pull all that off without a second guitarist and keyboard player!

Yeah heard a bunch of good things about LoNero, I'll definitely be there early to check 'em out -

This was exceptional, I highly recommend you checkthis show out if you get a chance!!!
