Too much EQ on mater : acoustic problem ?


May 9, 2006
So, i've always had the need to use EQ on the master bus. Without it, it always sounded honky, and with a very narrow bandwidth. Today, i was comparing one recording i made to a record from a major label, and to 'match' the EQ, i had to scoop a LOT between 300 and 500hz and boost a little bit on 12k and 100k. The thing that benefits the most are the guitars, which, in the room sound great, but when recorded dont sound good unless i do what i told above.

So, i was thinking, if i need SO much EQ on the master buss, it is very possible that i have an acoustic problem thats stacking too much crap on the 300~500hz area. Or am i thinking crap ?

Start referencing earlier in the mixing stage. You're listening environment is probably whacked out as well, but you can make do, with a lot of referencing and knowing what the problems are. Also, just try re-eqing the guitars only and see if that helps you.

I used to have the same problem, not that my mixes are great now, but I just need very little EQ on the Master because I do most of the fixing on the individual tracks. It's going to sound better that way anyway. Referencing is key. Good luck!
I agree with the above poster.. Most of the mixes I've done - I don't add any EQ on the master output..

If i do, it's because I'm pseudo-mastering it at the same time (for CD / car listening).. but I never go 3db in either direction with EQ.