Too much low mids from Dual Rectifier


Jan 31, 2007
I can't get a dual rectifier with a recto cab to sit right in a mix. I'm having to do a low shelf from 800 Hz down, at about -6dB and high pass around 100-130 Hz and then do a low pass around 7-8kHz to get rid of the fizz. It's making me wonder if I'm using the wrong amp for the sound I want. How much "sculpting" with EQ do you guys usually have to do to your guitar tracks to get the sound you want?

I'm starting to wonder if I should be using a Marshall DSL with a brighter cab. Maybe G12-T75 speakers?

Any thoughts?
(Music style is more classic 80's metal and instrumental rock. Eb and D-standard tuning.)

Having the same problems with a Dual Rec. Fizz everywhere. Great for live but recording wise I'm also wondering what the hell is up with this amp.
Actually I had a breakthrough with with a mic placement that reduced the fizz. Just a matter of persisting with moving the mic around. Still a difficult amp to record. If only I could emulate the tone on Testament's "The Gathering."