Took a Madison Divinity for a testdrive...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
...But didn't have a chance to mic it up :(

The short version: A client band got a "Player's Package" deal with Madison, not a full-on endorsement, but a serious discount nonetheless. Clients spoke up for me & Madison wants to give me the same deal. (VERY cool! Thank you, Madison crew!)

Now, this amp was about 1 week old & had the matching "deep" v30 cab... insanely deep. First impressions: Well, the backlit logo is cool as all hell. I hope they used LED's or something 'cuz changing out those bulbs looks like it'll be a pain. Sound: Muffled. We had a 5150II on hand for comparisons, as well as a Maxon Od808, MXR ZW, & Ts9.

After messing around with the settings for a bit, we got something useable out of it, but it still didn't have the punch of a 5150. Here's where it gets interesting: We left the amp on for about two hours & came back. The tone opened right up. I'm guessing it had something to do with getting those virgin tubes broken in & warmed up correctly.

Second impressions: Damn, what a sweet tone! Lush, controlled & fat as all hell. Beautiful smooth top. The "shape" & Treble controls work off each other, so you certainly have to play with it a bit to find the sweet spot for your technique. Clean channel was pretty sweet too.

For rhythms, anyway, it's a damn cool amp... ...the band doesn't really play leads but I was sure impressed from what I heard. The Maxon worked best with it, followed by the TS9, while the ZW pedal didn't really do the amp justice.

I would certainly welcome one of these in my studio & it's most definitely on my "want" list. Would love to mic it up ASAP.
I really like the Divinity as well. I have the old Divinity, released last March. Basically the same thing as the Divinity II without the shape control.

My band has a full endorsement deal and I got the Divinity and 2 4x12's about a year ago...Those new D3 cabs are a little too much in the depth dept...Something like 18" deep? How do you think it affects the tone? My regular Madison cabs are 15" deep, about an inch more than regular Marshall styles.

I'm interested to hear if the Divinity II actually has a different voicing opposed to mine. I wouldn't think the shape control would affect the voicing much, just the mids.

Also, I've heard the 3 channel Divinity may be voiced differently than the II.
I think Madison will offer anyone that owns a guitar (even a squier) that players package. No joke!! I have never played there amps and I turned the endorsement down personally. Maybe i should have got one now that i read this...:Smug:

I would definitely like to hear some clips from someone respected on this forum of one though!
I really really liked the Divinity II I played at NAMM, and I got to do it in an isolated soundbooth with just me, the guitar, and the amp - go for it Oz!
Okay here ya go!
