Tool and Kalmah

dude i was just wondering if anyone else saw this at not here to be a fucking retard and bitch about who posted about Tool in other forums, and just because you dont like them ( thats my assumption ) doesnt mean you have the right to flame, so fuck you, and your outlook on what other people have to say
heh fair enough i guess.
i do like tool, but not in big doses.
tool is not great enough to have tonns of threads about them. im not telling you that you shouldntve created this thread, but in every forum that i post here on except one, there is a thread about tool.
Tool suck.

Kalmah rock.

End of discussion.

Maynard can blow me. Well, he can try, but I'll blow his fucking lungs out with a shotgun or something not artsy in the least...
I'm not that much of a Maynard fan.
I think Tool's pretty cool. Not really my style, but they're still not terrible, and I can respect what they do. They manage to stay reletively popular without selling out, that's definately a positive aspect.

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