Tool's long-awaited 5th album


Active Member
Sep 19, 2018
Come on... release the freakin' album already guys. I sure could use a vacation from this lack of a Tool album.

But in all seriousness, artistic output is something that should never be rushed. I'm looking very forward to the eventual release of this album. Perhaps this thread could be used to track what we do know about the album so far, and for posting any news that comes to light from here on in.
I'm pretty excited myself. I could only imagine what type of shit they have up their sleeve this time around.

I mean, I can expect drop D chugging chords in weird patterns, but they have really awesome atmospheric sections.
Yeah, it's okay, but ultimately a bit 'meh'.

Doesn't look like they'll ever be able to top Anema/Lateralus tbh.