Toontrack - Andy Sneap EZmix Pack

Hey guys sorry I haven't forgot about ya! Just been a
Crazy few days... I'm about to upload some tones I did for a band using the sneap expansion... Will probably upload 6 o 7,
Different combinations of the presets. Some of them have the "guitar bus" preset on the entire
Guitar bus as well.... Give me a few and they will be on soundcloud!
Alright guys, uploaded some tones for all of you to check out. Some are alittle gainy for my taste, but the band was into the sound. Go to my soundcloud and take a listen. The uploads that are "AC" and then a number are all ezmix andy sneap expansion tones. No post processing. There should be 8 or 9 of them. Check out around the 50 second mark of the track you can really hear how open these sims are, really sounds great I think. Curious to see what everyone thinks about them honestly. Guitar used was a jackson SL2 with an EMG85 in the bridge. Will post the entire track when it's complete. The different combinations should be decently self explanatory on what tones were used, but if you have any questions let me know. All 4 guitars were panned 100/100 80/80 so for instance, "east bay thrash_godzilla" wound imply the outside guitars are east bay, inside guitars are godzilla preset. "AE neme 1_3" would imply "1" is the outside guitars, "3" is the inside.
Alright guys, uploaded some tones for all of you to check out. Some are alittle gainy for my taste, but the band was into the sound. Go to my soundcloud and take a listen. The uploads that are "AC" and then a number are all ezmix andy sneap expansion tones. No post processing. There should be 8 or 9 of them. Check out around the 50 second mark of the track you can really hear how open these sims are, really sounds great I think. Curious to see what everyone thinks about them honestly. Guitar used was a jackson SL2 with an EMG85 in the bridge. Will post the entire track when it's complete. The different combinations should be decently self explanatory on what tones were used, but if you have any questions let me know. All 4 guitars were panned 100/100 80/80 so for instance, "east bay thrash_godzilla" wound imply the outside guitars are east bay, inside guitars are godzilla preset. "AE neme 1_3" would imply "1" is the outside guitars, "3" is the inside.

Thanks for posting! To be honest I'm not impressed as I thought I would be...guess I expected more :rolleyes:
Thanks for the response? What didn't you like? To be honest it could be a number of things: style of music, maybe too much gain, maybe the presets don't fit the style etc. they slice right through the mix though and are very upfront and thick sounding I gotta say. I'm also a noob too with recording, I'm sure many of you could do much better than I could!
Thanks for the response? What didn't you like? To be honest it could be a number of things: style of music, maybe too much gain, maybe the presets don't fit the style etc. they slice right through the mix though and are very upfront and thick sounding I gotta say. I'm also a noob too with recording, I'm sure many of you could do much better than I could!

IMO, too much gain and..treble/presence! But that doesn't mean that this product is bad...just my 2 cents! :dopey:
In my defense on that, I definitely had the presence cranked up quite a bit, also the gain was probably too high: this is definitely an EQ Thing on my part! Very easy to just turn the knob back down for sure ! I'll be happy to do a few more with lower presence and gain. I totally forgot how hot the 85 in the bridge is, and definitely didnt REALLY realize it till after I put these up. It's amazing what happens when you quadtrack guitars and the tone seems just bright enough on it's own and then is overly bright/gainy quad tracked!
My new goto thing for quite drafts and material writing. Makes a listenable mix in a few minutes, good enough to have an idea of what will be going on ! I didn't even EQ a single thing and people told me "your demo sounds good for a demo". Cool because I don't like to be fiddling around for simple stuff or using chains of vst just to have a usable guitar sound (by usable I mean usable, not groundbreaking !)
Out of interest, apart from the Sneap pack which other packs do you guys like for getting a rough mix together quickly? I just ordered this with the 6 pack deal.
Thank you! I had wondered about the lead vocal pack and will probably grab it. I'm guessing its good for guitar and synth leads also.
does anyone tried this for mixing real drums? i have a demo to mix for my band and we dont aim to get a pro sounding stuff, just a preproduction. if this thing works with real drums , it could make us save a lot of time and better results for sure.
With any kind of mixing, it's really going to depend on your source material.
IE: you tracked drums and your snare already has a lot of top end. Let's assume that on Andy's Snare preset he has a hi-shelf cranking several dB at 8kHz. That probably won't sound too good.

Anyway, my point is: it might work for your project, and it might not. It depends entirely on the source sounds, and the end result you want to achieve. These aren't magic presets that make everything sound good regardless of circumstance.
I got EZMix and the Andy Sneap plugins this weekend, plus the Sneap EZDrummer pack. I had been working on a few mixes that I decided to use as a test for these new plugs.

Truly amazed at the sounds. Some of the best drum samples I've heard. The guitar and bass modelling is freaking awesome for metal. The mixes got worlds better in one afternoon, these plugins and samples are going to get a lot of use.. makes me want to go back and remix recent stuff! The guitar sound was night and day, really good saturated tones.

I didn't find it worked better than my current chain for mastering, but I am using UAD emulations so I wouldn't expect EZMix to beat them. It was pretty close though.

For the money and how lean on the CPU they are, these plugins and samples are the best I've added to my collection in quite a while.
So i just bought the andy sneap pack, doesnt anyone else find these sounds really, really harsh sounding?

i can see people talking about editing the tones, is this outside of the program as all i can see generally are two control knobs.
I've never been able to get anything great sounding out of my own recordings/mixes with EZMix, but one of my mix practice songs from the forums I did entirely with EZMix. This one I did with Andy Sneap pack and Metal Amps pack combined. Your recordings have to be pretty perfect for them to really sing. Most of the time i just stick to low gain settings with LE456/HyBrit (I think) from LePou and Ignite Amps VSTs. The EZMix guitars sound great, but some EQ is required; epically on the low end. The drums are just Superior 2.0s default library with EZMix and EQ if I remember.

Keep trying to mix. Maybe I'll start using them again if I can hear anything else good from them since I don't have much time to play around anymore.
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