Jenn's a hipster
I find (what I've heard of) Averse Sefira to be pretty fucking lame and definitely not on the level of SMR,C which just has a lot more (admittedly personal) significance and a lot more of a "warm" aspect to it that I find to be pretty important to its sound. AS sound too detached and clinical to really hit me hard, not to mention all the Immolation influence (not my thing for the most part).
There's a lot of "elitism" going around, by which I mean, there are people with "good taste" who like certain bands, and people in metal generally feel pressured to abandon bands that were once held on this pedestal of greatness when they start to become more popular (or some other non-factor that shouldn't affect people's enjoyment or experience of the art, but
does, quite plainly). Averse Sefira, on the other hand, are an underground "underdog" whose "worth" is defined by various publications and people who have already defended them, making it really easy to make the case that "if you don't like AS, you have worse taste than me" because the canon has already been written in that they are "super special awesome and oh better than that faggy DSO band because DSO stopped being cool when people started liking them". That's my take on it, and it kind of goes off on a tangent from what I was originally thinking since I'm taking off now for a bit.
Essentially, the "well-explained" and "educated" opinions of people who like the "elite" stuff are endlessly consumed and regurgitated by a pretender, new crowd of people who feel
the same way in an endless quotidian cycle of opinion-regurgitating that drowns out the "personal" (i.e. inferior) reasoning of enjoying something like SMR,C. This is basically bullshit and should stop imo. Good taste is for faggots.